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  • English Word Course Definition Motion, considered as to its general or resultant direction or to its goal; line progress or advance.
  • English Word Course Definition Progress from point to point without change of direction; any part of a progress from one place to another, which is in a straight line, or on one direction; as, a ship in a long voyage makes many courses; a course measured by a surveyor between two stations; also, a progress without interruption or rest; a heat; as, one course of a race.
  • English Word Course Definition Motion considered with reference to manner; or derly progress; procedure in a certain line of thought or action; as, the course of an argument.
  • English Word Course Definition Customary or established sequence of events; recurrence of events according to natural laws.
  • English Word Course Definition Method of procedure; manner or way of conducting; conduct; behavior.
  • English Word Course Definition A series of motions or acts arranged in order; a succession of acts or practices connectedly followed; as, a course of medicine; a course of lectures on chemistry.
  • English Word Course Definition The succession of one to another in office or duty; order; turn.
  • English Word Course Definition That part of a meal served at one time, with its accompaniments.
  • English Word Course Definition A continuous level range of brick or stones of the same height throughout the face or faces of a building.
  • English Word Course Definition The lowest sail on any mast of a square-rigged vessel; as, the fore course, main course, etc.
  • English Word Course Definition The menses.
  • English Word Course Definition To run, hunt, or chase after; to follow hard upon; to pursue.
  • English Word Course Definition To cause to chase after or pursue game; as, to course greyhounds after deer.
  • English Word Course Definition To run through or over.
  • English Word Course Definition To run as in a race, or in hunting; to pursue the sport of coursing; as, the sportsmen coursed over the flats of Lancashire.
  • English Word Course Definition To move with speed; to race; as, the blood courses through the veins.
  • English Word Coursed Definition of Course
  • English Word Coursed Definition Hunted; as, a coursed hare.
  • English Word Coursed Definition Arranged in courses; as, coursed masonry.
  • English Word Courser Definition One who courses or hunts.
  • English Word Courser Definition A swift or spirited horse; a racer or a war horse; a charger.
  • English Word Courser Definition A grallatorial bird of Europe (Cursorius cursor), remarkable for its speed in running. Sometimes, in a wider sense, applied to running birds of the Ostrich family.
  • English Word Coursey Definition A space in the galley; a part of the hatches.
  • English Word Coursing Definition of Course
  • English Word Coursing Definition The pursuit or running game with dogs that follow by sight instead of by scent.
  • English Word Court Definition An inclosed space; a courtyard; an uncovered area shut in by the walls of a building, or by different building; also, a space opening from a street and nearly surrounded by houses; a blind alley.
  • English Word Court Definition The residence of a sovereign, prince, nobleman, or ether dignitary; a palace.
  • English Word Court Definition The collective body of persons composing the retinue of a sovereign or person high in authority; all the surroundings of a sovereign in his regal state.
  • English Word Court Definition Any formal assembling of the retinue of a sovereign; as, to hold a court.
  • English Word Court Definition Attention directed to a person in power; conduct or address designed to gain favor; courtliness of manners; civility; compliment; flattery.