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  • English Word Coupled Definition of Couple
  • English Word Couplement Definition Union; combination; a coupling; a pair.
  • English Word Coupler Definition One who couples; that which couples, as a link, ring, or shackle, to connect cars.
  • English Word Couplet Definition Two taken together; a pair or couple; especially two lines of verse that rhyme with each other.
  • English Word Coupling Definition of Couple
  • English Word Coupling Definition The act of bringing or coming together; connection; sexual union.
  • English Word Coupling Definition A device or contrivance which serves to couple or connect adjacent parts or objects; as, a belt coupling, which connects the ends of a belt; a car coupling, which connects the cars in a train; a shaft coupling, which connects the ends of shafts.
  • English Word Coupon Definition A certificate of interest due, printed at the bottom of transferable bonds (state, railroad, etc.), given for a term of years, designed to be cut off and presented for payment when the interest is due; an interest warrant.
  • English Word Coupon Definition A section of a ticket, showing the holder to be entitled to some specified accomodation or service, as to a passage over a designated line of travel, a particular seat in a theater, or the like.
  • English Word Coupure Definition A passage cut through the glacis to facilitate sallies by the besieged.
  • English Word Courage Definition The heart; spirit; temper; disposition.
  • English Word Courage Definition Heart; inclination; desire; will.
  • English Word Courage Definition That quality of mind which enables one to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness, or without fear, or fainting of heart; valor; boldness; resolution.
  • English Word Courageous Definition Possessing, or characterized by, courage; brave; bold.
  • English Word Courageously Definition In a courageous manner.
  • English Word Courageousness Definition The quality of being courageous; courage.
  • English Word Courant Definition Represented as running; -- said of a beast borne in a coat of arms.
  • English Word Courant Definition A piece of music in triple time; also, a lively dance; a coranto.
  • English Word Courant Definition A circulating gazette of news; a newspaper.
  • English Word Couranto Definition A sprightly dance; a coranto; a courant.
  • English Word Courap Definition A skin disease, common in India, in which there is perpetual itching and eruption, esp. of the groin, breast, armpits, and face.
  • English Word Courb Definition Curved; rounded.
  • English Word Courb Definition To bend; to stop; to bow.
  • English Word Courbaril Definition See Anime, n.
  • English Word Courche Definition A square piece of linen used formerly by women instead of a cap; a kerchief.
  • English Word Courier Definition A messenger sent with haste to convey letters or dispatches, usually on public business.
  • English Word Courier Definition An attendant on travelers, whose business it is to make arrangements for their convenience at hotels and on the way.
  • English Word Courlan Definition A South American bird, of the genus Aramus, allied to the rails.
  • English Word Course Definition The act of moving from one point to another; progress; passage.
  • English Word Course Definition The ground or path traversed; track; way.