CPage 410
- English Word Cop-rose Definition The red, or corn, poppy.
- English Word Copaiba Definition Alt. of Copaiva
- English Word Copaiva Definition A more or less viscid, yellowish liquid, the bitter oleoresin of several species of Copaifera, a genus of trees growing in South America and the West Indies. It is stimulant and diuretic, and is much used in affections of the mucous membranes; -- called also balsam of copaiba.
- English Word Copal Definition A resinous substance flowing spontaneously from trees of Zanzibar, Madagascar, and South America (Trachylobium Hornemannianum, T. verrucosum, and Hymenaea Courbaril), and dug from earth where forests have stood in Africa; -- used chiefly in making varnishes.
- English Word Coparcenaries Definition of Coparcenary
- English Word Coparcenary Definition Partnership in inheritance; joint heirship; joint right of succession to an inheritance.
- English Word Coparcener Definition One who has an equal portion with others of an inheritance.
- English Word Coparceny Definition An equal share of an inheritance.
- English Word Copart Definition To share.
- English Word Copartment Definition A compartment.
- English Word Copartner Definition One who is jointly concerned with one or more persons in business, etc.; a partner; an associate; a partaker; a sharer.
- English Word Copartneries Definition of Copartnery
- English Word Copartnership Definition The state of being a copartner or of having a joint interest in any matter.
- English Word Copartnership Definition A partnership or firm; as, A. and B. have this day formed a copartnership.
- English Word Copartnery Definition the state of being copartners in any undertaking.
- English Word Copatain Definition Having a high crown, or a point or peak at top.
- English Word Copatriot Definition A joint patriot.
- English Word Cope Definition A covering for the head.
- English Word Cope Definition Anything regarded as extended over the head, as the arch or concave of the sky, the roof of a house, the arch over a door.
- English Word Cope Definition An ecclesiastical vestment or cloak, semicircular in form, reaching from the shoulders nearly to the feet, and open in front except at the top, where it is united by a band or clasp. It is worn in processions and on some other occasions.
- English Word Cope Definition An ancient tribute due to the lord of the soil, out of the lead mines in Derbyshire, England.
- English Word Cope Definition The top part of a flask or mold; the outer part of a loam mold.
- English Word Cope Definition To form a cope or arch; to bend or arch; to bow.
- English Word Cope Definition To pare the beak or talons of (a hawk).
- English Word Cope Definition To exchange or barter.
- English Word Cope Definition To encounter; to meet; to have to do with.
- English Word Cope Definition To enter into or maintain a hostile contest; to struggle; to combat; especially, to strive or contend on equal terms or with success; to match; to equal; -- usually followed by with.
- English Word Cope Definition To bargain for; to buy.
- English Word Cope Definition To make return for; to requite; to repay.
- English Word Cope Definition To match one's self against; to meet; to encounter.