CPage 408
- English Word Coomb Definition A dry measure of four bushels, or half a quarter.
- English Word Coomb Definition Alt. of Coombe
- English Word Coombe Definition A hollow in a hillside. [Prov. Eng.] See Comb, Combe.
- English Word Coon Definition A raccoon. See Raccoon.
- English Word Coontie Definition A cycadaceous plant of Florida and the West Indies, the Zamia integrifolia, from the stems of which a kind of sago is prepared.
- English Word Coop Definition A barrel or cask for liquor.
- English Word Coop Definition An inclosure for keeping small animals; a pen; especially, a grated box for confining poultry.
- English Word Coop Definition A cart made close with boards; a tumbrel.
- English Word Coop Definition To confine in a coop; hence, to shut up or confine in a narrow compass; to cramp; -- usually followed by up, sometimes by in.
- English Word Coop Definition To work upon in the manner of a cooper.
- English Word Cooped Definition of Coop
- English Word Coopee Definition See Coupe.
- English Word Cooper Definition One who makes barrels, hogsheads, casks, etc.
- English Word Cooper Definition To do the work of a cooper upon; as, to cooper a cask or barrel.
- English Word Cooper Definition Work done by a cooper in making or repairing barrels, casks, etc.; the business of a cooper.
- English Word Cooperage Definition Work done by a cooper.
- English Word Cooperage Definition The price paid for coopers; work.
- English Word Cooperage Definition A place where coopers' work is done.
- English Word Cooperant Definition Operating together; as, cooperant forces.
- English Word Cooperate Definition To act or operate jointly with another or others; to concur in action, effort, or effect.
- English Word Cooperated Definition of Cooperate
- English Word Cooperating Definition of Cooperate
- English Word Cooperation Definition The act of cooperating, or of operating together to one end; joint operation; concurrent effort or labor.
- English Word Cooperation Definition The association of a number of persons for their benefit.
- English Word Cooperative Definition Operating jointly to the same end.
- English Word Cooperator Definition One who labors jointly with others to promote the same end.
- English Word Coopered Definition of Cooper
- English Word Coopering Definition of Cooper
- English Word Coopery Definition Relating to a cooper; coopered.
- English Word Coopery Definition The occupation of a cooper.