CPage 393
- English Word Contrastimulant Definition An agent which counteracts the effect of a stimulant.
- English Word Contrasting Definition of Contrast
- English Word Contrate Definition Having cogs or teeth projecting parallel to the axis, instead of radiating from it.
- English Word Contratenor Definition Counter tenor; contralto.
- English Word Contravallation Definition A trench guarded with a parapet, constructed by besiegers, to secure themselves and check sallies of the besieged.
- English Word Contravene Definition To meet in the way of opposition; to come into conflict with; to oppose; to contradict; to obstruct the operation of; to defeat.
- English Word Contravene Definition To violate; to nullify; to be inconsistent with; as, to contravene a law.
- English Word Contravened Definition of Contravene
- English Word Contravener Definition One who contravenes.
- English Word Contravening Definition of Contravene
- English Word Contravention Definition The act of contravening; opposition; obstruction; transgression; violation.
- English Word Contraversion Definition A turning to the opposite side; antistrophe.
- English Word Contrayerva Definition A species of Dorstenia (D. Contrayerva), a South American plant, the aromatic root of which is sometimes used in medicine as a gentle stimulant and tonic.
- English Word Contrecoup Definition A concussion or shock produced by a blow or other injury, in a part or region opposite to that at which the blow is received, often causing rupture or disorganisation of the parts affected.
- English Word Contretemps Definition An unexpected and untoward accident; something inopportune or embarrassing; a hitch.
- English Word Contributable Definition Capable of being contributed.
- English Word Contributary Definition Contributory.
- English Word Contributary Definition Tributary; contributing.
- English Word Contribute Definition To give or grant i common with others; to give to a common stock or for a common purpose; to furnish or suply in part; to give (money or other aid) for a specified object; as, to contribute food or fuel for the poor.
- English Word Contribute Definition To give a part to a common stock; to lend assistance or aid, or give something, to a common purpose; to have a share in any act or effect.
- English Word Contribute Definition To give or use one's power or influence for any object; to assist.
- English Word Contributed Definition of Contribute
- English Word Contributer Definition One who, or that which, contributes; specifically, one who writes articles for a newspaper or magazine.
- English Word Contributing Definition of Contribute
- English Word Contribution Definition The act of contributing.
- English Word Contribution Definition That which is contributed; -- either the portion which an individual furnishes to the common stock, or the whole which is formed by the gifts of individuals.
- English Word Contribution Definition An irregular and arbitrary imposition or tax leved on the people of a town or country.
- English Word Contribution Definition Payment, by each of several jointly liable, of a share in a loss suffered or an amount paid by one of their number for the common benefit.
- English Word Contributional Definition Pertaining to, or furnishing, a contribution.
- English Word Contributive Definition Contributing, or tending to contribute.