CPage 391
- English Word Contradictoriness Definition The quality of being contradictory; opposition; inconsistency.
- English Word Contradictory Definition Affirming the contrary; implying a denial of what has been asserted; also, mutually contradicting; inconsistent.
- English Word Contradictory Definition Opposing or opposed; repugnant.
- English Word Contradictory Definition A proposition or thing which denies or opposes another; contrariety.
- English Word Contradictory Definition propositions with the same terms, but opposed to each other both in quality and quantity.
- English Word Contradistinct Definition Distinguished by opposite qualities.
- English Word Contradistinction Definition Distinction by contrast.
- English Word Contradistinctive Definition having the quality of contradistinction; distinguishing by contrast.
- English Word Contradistinguish Definition To distinguish by a contrast of opposite qualities.
- English Word Contradistinguished Definition of Contradistinguish
- English Word Contradistinguishing Definition of Contradistinguish
- English Word Contrafagetto Definition The double bassoon, an octave deeper than the bassoon.
- English Word Contrafissure Definition A fissure or fracture on the side opposite to that which received the blow, or at some distance from it.
- English Word Contrahent Definition Entering into covenant; contracting; as, contrahent parties.
- English Word Contraindicant Definition Something, as a symptom, indicating that the usual mode of treatment is not to be followed.
- English Word Contraindicate Definition To indicate, as by a symptom, some method of treatment contrary to that which the general tenor of the case would seem to require.
- English Word Contraindicated Definition of Contraindicate
- English Word Contraindicating Definition of Contraindicate
- English Word Contraindication Definition An indication or symptom which forbids the method of treatment usual in such cases.
- English Word Contralto Definition The part sung by the highest male or lowest female voices; the alto or counter tenor.
- English Word Contralto Definition the voice or singer performing this part; as, her voice is a contralto; she is a contralto.
- English Word Contralto Definition Of or pertaining to a contralto, or to the part in music called contralto; as, a contralto voice.
- English Word Contramure Definition An outer wall.
- English Word Contranatural Definition Opposed to or against nature; unnatural.
- English Word Contraposition Definition A placing over against; opposite position.
- English Word Contraposition Definition A so-called immediate inference which consists in denying the original subject of the contradictory predicate; e.g.: Every S is P; therefore, no Not-P is S.
- English Word Contrapuntal Definition Pertaining to, or according to the rules of, counterpoint.
- English Word Contrapuntist Definition One skilled in counterpoint.
- English Word Contraremonstrant Definition One who remonstrates in opposition or answer to a remonstrant.
- English Word Contrariant Definition Contrary; opposed; antagonistic; inconsistent; contradictory.