CPage 361
- English Word Connascency Definition That which is born or produced with another.
- English Word Connascency Definition The act of growing together.
- English Word Connascent Definition Born together; produced at the same time.
- English Word Connate Definition Born with another; being of the same birth.
- English Word Connate Definition Congenital; existing from birth.
- English Word Connate Definition Congenitally united; growing from one base, or united at their bases; united into one body; as, connate leaves or athers. See Illust. of Connate-perfoliate.
- English Word Connate-perfoliate Definition Connate or coalescent at the base so as to produce a broad foliaceous body through the center of which the stem passes; -- applied to leaves, as the leaves of the boneset.
- English Word Connation Definition Connection by birth; natural union.
- English Word Connatural Definition Connected by nature; united in nature; inborn; inherent; natural.
- English Word Connatural Definition Partaking of the same nature.
- English Word Connaturality Definition Participation of the same nature; natural union or connection.
- English Word Connaturalize Definition To bring to the same nature as something else; to adapt.
- English Word Connaturally Definition By the act of nature; originally; from birth.
- English Word Connaturalness Definition Participation of the same nature; natural union.
- English Word Connature Definition Participation in a common nature or character.
- English Word Connect Definition To join, or fasten together, as by something intervening; to associate; to combine; to unite or link together; to establish a bond or relation between.
- English Word Connect Definition To associate (a person or thing, or one's self) with another person, thing, business, or affair.
- English Word Connect Definition To join, unite, or cohere; to have a close relation; as, one line of railroad connects with another; one argument connect with another.
- English Word Connected Definition of Connect
- English Word Connectedly Definition In a connected manner.
- English Word Connecting Definition of Connect
- English Word Connection Definition The act of connecting, or the state of being connected; junction; union; alliance; relationship.
- English Word Connection Definition That which connects or joins together; bond; tie.
- English Word Connection Definition A relation; esp. a person connected with another by marriage rather than by blood; -- used in a loose and indefinite, and sometimes a comprehensive, sense.
- English Word Connection Definition The persons or things that are connected; as, a business connection; the Methodist connection.
- English Word Connective Definition Connecting, or adapted to connect; involving connection.
- English Word Connective Definition That which connects
- English Word Connective Definition A word that connect words or sentences; a conjunction or preposition.
- English Word Connective Definition That part of an anther which connects its thecae, lobes, or cells.
- English Word Connectively Definition In connjunction; jointly.