CPage 360
- English Word Conjunctiva Definition The mucous membrane which covers the external surface of the ball of the eye and the inner surface of the lids; the conjunctival membrane.
- English Word Conjunctival Definition Joining; connecting.
- English Word Conjunctival Definition Of or pertaining to the conjunctiva.
- English Word Conjunctive Definition Serving to unite; connecting together.
- English Word Conjunctive Definition Closely united.
- English Word Conjunctively Definition In conjunction or union; together.
- English Word Conjunctiveness Definition The state or quality of being conjunctive.
- English Word Conjunctivitis Definition Inflammation of the conjunctiva.
- English Word Conjunctly Definition In union; conjointly; unitedly; together.
- English Word Conjuncture Definition The act of joining, or state of being joined; union; connection; combination.
- English Word Conjuncture Definition A crisis produced by a combination of circumstances; complication or combination of events or circumstances; plight resulting from various conditions.
- English Word Conjuration Definition The act of calling or summoning by a sacred name, or in solemn manner; the act of binding by an oath; an earnest entreaty; adjuration.
- English Word Conjuration Definition The act or process of invoking supernatural aid by the use of a magical form of words; the practice of magic arts; incantation; enchantment.
- English Word Conjuration Definition A league for a criminal purpose; conspiracy.
- English Word Conjurator Definition One who swears or is sworn with others; one bound by oath with others; a compurgator.
- English Word Conjure Definition To call on or summon by a sacred name or in solemn manner; to implore earnestly; to adjure.
- English Word Conjure Definition To combine together by an oath; to conspire; to confederate.
- English Word Conjure Definition To affect or effect by conjuration; to call forth or send away by magic arts; to excite or alter, as if by magic or by the aid of supernatural powers.
- English Word Conjure Definition To practice magical arts; to use the tricks of a conjurer; to juggle; to charm.
- English Word Conjured Definition of Conjure
- English Word Conjurement Definition Serious injunction; solemn demand or entreaty.
- English Word Conjurer Definition One who conjures; one who calls, entreats, or charges in a solemn manner.
- English Word Conjurer Definition One who practices magic arts; one who pretends to act by the aid super natural power; also, one who performs feats of legerdemain or sleight of hand.
- English Word Conjurer Definition One who conjectures shrewdly or judges wisely; a man of sagacity.
- English Word Conjuring Definition of Conjure
- English Word Conjuror Definition One bound by a common oath with others.
- English Word Conjury Definition The practice of magic; enchantment.
- English Word Conn Definition See Con, to direct a ship.
- English Word Connascence Definition Alt. of Connascency
- English Word Connascency Definition The common birth of two or more at the same tome; production of two or more together.