CPage 301
- English Word Commitment Definition The act of pledging or engaging; the act of exposing, endangering, or compromising; also, the state of being pledged or engaged.
- English Word Committable Definition Capable of being committed.
- English Word Committal Definition The act of committing, or the state of being committed; commitment.
- English Word Committed Definition of Commit
- English Word Committee Definition One or more persons elected or appointed, to whom any matter or business is referred, either by a legislative body, or by a court, or by any collective body of men acting together.
- English Word Committee Definition One to whom the charge of the person or estate of another, as of a lunatic, is committed by suitable authority; a guardian.
- English Word Committeeman Definition A member of a committee.
- English Word Committer Definition One who commits; one who does or perpetrates.
- English Word Committer Definition A fornicator.
- English Word Committible Definition Capable of being committed; liable to be committed.
- English Word Committing Definition of Commit
- English Word Commix Definition To mix or mingle together; to blend.
- English Word Commixed Definition of Commix
- English Word Commixing Definition of Commix
- English Word Commixion Definition Commixture.
- English Word Commixtion Definition Commixture; mingling.
- English Word Commixture Definition The act or process of mixing; the state of being mingled; the blending of ingredients in one mass or compound.
- English Word Commixture Definition The mass formed by mingling different things; a compound; a mixture.
- English Word Commodate Definition A gratuitous loan.
- English Word Commode Definition A kind of headdress formerly worn by ladies, raising the hair and fore part of the cap to a great height.
- English Word Commode Definition A piece of furniture, so named according to temporary fashion
- English Word Commode Definition A chest of drawers or a bureau.
- English Word Commode Definition A night stand with a compartment for holding a chamber vessel.
- English Word Commode Definition A kind of close stool.
- English Word Commode Definition A movable sink or stand for a wash bowl, with closet.
- English Word Commodious Definition Adapted to its use or purpose, or to wants and necessities; serviceable; spacious and convenient; roomy and comfortable; as, a commodious house.
- English Word Commodiously Definition In a commodious manner.
- English Word Commodiousness Definition State of being commodious; suitableness for its purpose; convenience; roominess.
- English Word Commodities Definition of Commodity
- English Word Commodity Definition Convenience; accommodation; profit; benefit; advantage; interest; commodiousness.