CPage 298
- English Word Commentary Definition A brief account of transactions or events written hastily, as if for a memorandum; -- usually in the plural; as, Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War.
- English Word Commentate Definition To write comments or notes upon; to make comments.
- English Word Commentation Definition The act or process of commenting or criticising; exposition.
- English Word Commentation Definition The result of the labors of a commentator.
- English Word Commentator Definition One who writes a commentary or comments; an expositor; an annotator.
- English Word Commentatorial Definition Pertaining to the making of commentaries.
- English Word Commentatorship Definition The office or occupation of a commentator.
- English Word Commented Definition of Comment
- English Word Commenter Definition One who makes or writes comments; a commentator; an annotator.
- English Word Commenting Definition of Comment
- English Word Commentitious Definition Fictitious or imaginary; unreal; as, a commentitious system of religion.
- English Word Commerce Definition The exchange or buying and selling of commodities; esp. the exchange of merchandise, on a large scale, between different places or communities; extended trade or traffic.
- English Word Commerce Definition Social intercourse; the dealings of one person or class in society with another; familiarity.
- English Word Commerce Definition Sexual intercourse.
- English Word Commerce Definition A round game at cards, in which the cards are subject to exchange, barter, or trade.
- English Word Commerce Definition To carry on trade; to traffic.
- English Word Commerce Definition To hold intercourse; to commune.
- English Word Commerced Definition of Commerce
- English Word Commercial Definition Of or pertaining to commerce; carrying on or occupied with commerce or trade; mercantile; as, commercial advantages; commercial relations.
- English Word Commercialism Definition The commercial spirit or method.
- English Word Commercially Definition In a commercial manner.
- English Word Commercing Definition of Commerce
- English Word Commigrate Definition To migrate together.
- English Word Commigration Definition Migration together.
- English Word Commination Definition A threat or threatening; a denunciation of punishment or vengeance.
- English Word Commination Definition An office in the liturgy of the Church of England, used on Ash Wednesday, containing a recital of God's anger and judgments against sinners.
- English Word Comminatory Definition Threatening or denouncing punishment; as, comminatory terms.
- English Word Commingle Definition To mingle together; to mix in one mass, or intimately; to blend.
- English Word Commingled Definition of Commingle
- English Word Commingling Definition of Commingle