CPage 286
- English Word Colorist Definition One who colors; an artist who excels in the use of colors; one to whom coloring is of prime importance.
- English Word Colorless Definition Without color; not distinguished by any hue; transparent; as, colorless water.
- English Word Colorless Definition Free from any manifestation of partial or peculiar sentiment or feeling; not disclosing likes, dislikes, prejudice, etc.; as, colorless music; a colorless style; definitions should be colorless.
- English Word Colorman Definition A vender of paints, etc.
- English Word Colormen Definition of Colorman
- English Word Colossal Definition Of enormous size; gigantic; huge; as, a colossal statue.
- English Word Colossal Definition Of a size larger than heroic. See Heroic.
- English Word Colossean Definition Colossal.
- English Word Colosseum Definition The amphitheater of Vespasian in Rome.
- English Word Colossi Definition of Colossus
- English Word Colossus Definition A statue of gigantic size. The name was especially applied to certain famous statues in antiquity, as the Colossus of Nero in Rome, the Colossus of Apollo at Rhodes.
- English Word Colossus Definition Any man or beast of gigantic size.
- English Word Colossuses Definition of Colossus
- English Word Colostrum Definition The first milk secreted after delivery; biestings.
- English Word Colostrum Definition A mixture of turpentine and the yolk of an egg, formerly used as an emulsion.
- English Word Colotomy Definition An operation for opening the colon
- English Word Colour Definition See Color.
- English Word Colp Definition See Collop.
- English Word Colportage Definition The distribution of religious books, tracts, etc., by colporteurs.
- English Word Colporter Definition Same as Colporteur.
- English Word Colporteur Definition A hawker; specifically, one who travels about selling and distributing religious tracts and books.
- English Word Colstaff Definition A staff by means of which a burden is borne by two persons on their shoulders.
- English Word Colt Definition The young of the equine genus or horse kind of animals; -- sometimes distinctively applied to the male, filly being the female. Cf. Foal.
- English Word Colt Definition A young, foolish fellow.
- English Word Colt Definition A short knotted rope formerly used as an instrument of punishment in the navy.
- English Word Colt Definition To frisk or frolic like a colt; to act licentiously or wantonly.
- English Word Colt Definition To horse; to get with young.
- English Word Colt Definition To befool.
- English Word Colt's tooth Definition See under Colt.
- English Word Colter Definition A knife or cutter, attached to the beam of a plow to cut the sward, in advance of the plowshare and moldboard.