CPage 284
- English Word Colon Definition A point or character, formed thus [:], used to separate parts of a sentence that are complete in themselves and nearly independent, often taking the place of a conjunction.
- English Word Colonel Definition The chief officer of a regiment; an officer ranking next above a lieutenant colonel and next below a brigadier general.
- English Word Colonelcy Definition The office, rank, or commission of a colonel.
- English Word Colonelship Definition Colonelcy.
- English Word Coloner Definition A colonist.
- English Word Colonial Definition Of or pertaining to a colony; as, colonial rights, traffic, wars.
- English Word Colonical Definition Of or pertaining to husbandmen.
- English Word Colonies Definition of Colony
- English Word Colonist Definition A member or inhabitant of a colony.
- English Word Colonitis Definition See Colitis.
- English Word Colonization Definition The act of colonizing, or the state of being colonized; the formation of a colony or colonies.
- English Word Colonizationist Definition A friend to colonization, esp. (U. S. Hist) to the colonization of Africa by emigrants from the colored population of the United States.
- English Word Colonize Definition To plant or establish a colony or colonies in; to people with colonists; to migrate to and settle in.
- English Word Colonize Definition To remove to, and settle in, a distant country; to make a colony.
- English Word Colonized Definition of Colonize
- English Word Colonizer Definition One who promotes or establishes a colony; a colonist.
- English Word Colonizing Definition of Colonize
- English Word Colonnade Definition A series or range of columns placed at regular intervals with all the adjuncts, as entablature, stylobate, roof, etc.
- English Word Colony Definition A company of people transplanted from their mother country to a remote province or country, and remaining subject to the jurisdiction of the parent state; as, the British colonies in America.
- English Word Colony Definition The district or country colonized; a settlement.
- English Word Colony Definition A company of persons from the same country sojourning in a foreign city or land; as, the American colony in Paris.
- English Word Colony Definition A number of animals or plants living or growing together, beyond their usual range.
- English Word Colophany Definition See Colophony.
- English Word Colophene Definition A colorless, oily liquid, formerly obtained by distillation of colophony. It is regarded as a polymeric form of terebenthene. Called also diterebene.
- English Word Colophon Definition An inscription, monogram, or cipher, containing the place and date of publication, printer's name, etc., formerly placed on the last page of a book.
- English Word Colophonite Definition A coarsely granular variety of garnet.
- English Word Colophony Definition Rosin.
- English Word Coloquintida Definition See Colocynth.
- English Word Color Definition A property depending on the relations of light to the eye, by which individual and specific differences in the hues and tints of objects are apprehended in vision; as, gay colors; sad colors, etc.
- English Word Color Definition Any hue distinguished from white or black.