CPage 275
- English Word Coleopteral Definition Alt. of Coleopterous
- English Word Coleopteran Definition One of the order of Coleoptera.
- English Word Coleopterist Definition One versed in the study of the Coleoptera.
- English Word Coleopterous Definition Having wings covered with a case or sheath; belonging to the Coleoptera.
- English Word Coleorhiza Definition A sheath in the embryo of grasses, inclosing the caulicle.
- English Word Coleperch Definition A kind of small black perch.
- English Word Colera Definition Bile; choler.
- English Word Coleridgian Definition Pertaining to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, or to his poetry or metaphysics.
- English Word Coleseed Definition The common rape or cole.
- English Word Coleslaw Definition A salad made of sliced cabbage.
- English Word Colestaff Definition See Colstaff.
- English Word Colet Definition Alt. of Collet
- English Word Coletit Definition Alt. of Coaltit
- English Word Coleus Definition A plant of several species of the Mint family, cultivated for its bright-colored or variegated leaves.
- English Word Colewort Definition A variety of cabbage in which the leaves never form a compact head.
- English Word Colewort Definition Any white cabbage before the head has become firm.
- English Word Colfox Definition A crafty fox.
- English Word Colic Definition A severe paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, due to spasm, obstruction, or distention of some one of the hollow viscera.
- English Word Colic Definition Of or pertaining to colic; affecting the bowels.
- English Word Colic Definition Of or pertaining to the colon; as, the colic arteries.
- English Word Colical Definition Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of, colic.
- English Word Colicky Definition Pertaining to, or troubled with, colic; as, a colicky disorder.
- English Word Colicroot Definition A bitter American herb of the Bloodwort family, with the leaves all radical, and the small yellow or white flowers in a long spike (Aletris farinosa and A. aurea). Called sometimes star grass, blackroot, blazing star, and unicorn root.
- English Word Colies Definition of Coly
- English Word Colin Definition The American quail or bobwhite. The name is also applied to other related species. See Bobwhite.
- English Word Coliseum Definition The amphitheater of Vespasian at Rome, the largest in the world.
- English Word Colitis Definition An inflammation of the large intestine, esp. of its mucous membrane; colonitis.
- English Word Coll Definition To embrace.
- English Word Colla Definition of Collum
- English Word Collaborateur Definition See Collaborator.