CPage 273
- English Word Coinstantaneous Definition Happening at the same instant.
- English Word Cointense Definition Equal in intensity or degree; as, the relations between 6 and 12, and 8 and 16, are cointense.
- English Word Cointension Definition The condition of being of equal in intensity; -- applied to relations; as, 3:6 and 6:12 are relations of cointension.
- English Word Coir Definition A material for cordage, matting, etc., consisting of the prepared fiber of the outer husk of the cocoanut.
- English Word Coir Definition Cordage or cables, made of this material.
- English Word Coistril Definition An inferior groom or lad employed by an esquire to carry the knight's arms and other necessaries.
- English Word Coistril Definition A mean, paltry fellow; a coward.
- English Word Coit Definition A quoit.
- English Word Coit Definition To throw, as a stone. [Obs.] See Quoit.
- English Word Coition Definition A coming together; sexual intercourse; copulation.
- English Word Cojoin Definition To join; to conjoin.
- English Word Cojuror Definition One who swears to another's credibility.
- English Word Coke Definition Mineral coal charred, or depriver of its bitumen, sulphur, or other volatile matter by roasting in a kiln or oven, or by distillation, as in gas works. It is lagerly used where / smokeless fire is required.
- English Word Coke Definition To convert into coke.
- English Word Cokenay Definition A cockney.
- English Word Cokernut Definition The cocoanut.
- English Word Cokes Definition A simpleton; a gull; a dupe.
- English Word Cokewold Definition Cuckold.
- English Word Col Definition A short ridge connecting two higher elevations or mountains; the pass over such a ridge.
- English Word Col- Definition A prefix signifying with, together. See Com-.
- English Word Colaborer Definition One who labors with another; an associate in labor.
- English Word Colander Definition A utensil with a bottom perforated with little holes for straining liquids, mashed vegetable pulp, etc.; a strainer of wickerwork, perforated metal, or the like.
- English Word Colation Definition The act or process of straining or filtering.
- English Word Colatitude Definition The complement of the latitude, or the difference between any latitude and ninety degrees.
- English Word Colature Definition The process of straining; the matter strained; a strainer.
- English Word Colbertine Definition A kind of lace.
- English Word Colchicine Definition A powerful vegetable alkaloid, C17H19NO5, extracted from the Colchicum autumnale, or meadow saffron, as a white or yellowish amorphous powder, with a harsh, bitter taste; -- called also colchicia.
- English Word Colchicum Definition A genus of bulbous-rooted plants found in many parts of Europe, including the meadow saffron.
- English Word Colcothar Definition Polishing rouge; a reddish brown oxide of iron, used in polishing glass, and also as a pigment; -- called also crocus Martis.
- English Word Cold Definition Deprived of heat, or having a low temperature; not warm or hot; gelid; frigid.