CPage 256
- English Word Cobiron Definition An andiron with a knob at the top.
- English Word Cobishop Definition A joint or coadjutant bishop.
- English Word Coble Definition A flat-floored fishing boat with a lug sail, and a drop rudder extending from two to four feet below the keel. It was originally used on the stormy coast of Yorkshire, England.
- English Word Cobnut Definition A large roundish variety of the cultivated hazelnut.
- English Word Cobnut Definition A game played by children with nuts.
- English Word Coboose Definition See Caboose.
- English Word Cobourg Definition A thin worsted fabric for women's dresses.
- English Word Cobra Definition See Copra.
- English Word Cobra Definition The cobra de capello.
- English Word Cobra de capello Definition The hooded snake (Naia tripudians), a highly venomous serpent inhabiting India.Naja --
- English Word Cobstone Definition Cobblestone.
- English Word Cobswan Definition A large swan.
- English Word Cobwall Definition A wall made of clay mixed with straw.
- English Word Cobweb Definition The network spread by a spider to catch its prey.
- English Word Cobweb Definition A snare of insidious meshes designed to catch the ignorant and unwary.
- English Word Cobweb Definition That which is thin and unsubstantial, or flimsy and worthless; rubbish.
- English Word Cobweb Definition The European spotted flycatcher.
- English Word Cobwebbed Definition Abounding in cobwebs.
- English Word Cobwebby Definition Abounding in cobwebs, or any fine web; resembling a cobweb.
- English Word Cobwork Definition Built of logs, etc., laid horizontally, with the ends dovetailed together at the corners, as in a log house; in marine work, often surrounding a central space filled with stones; as, a cobwork dock or breakwater.
- English Word Coca Definition The dried leaf of a South American shrub (Erythroxylon Coca). In med., called Erythroxylon.
- English Word Cocagne Definition An imaginary country of idleness and luxury.
- English Word Cocagne Definition The land of cockneys; cockneydom; -- a term applied to London and its suburbs.
- English Word Cocaine Definition A powerful alkaloid, C17H21NO4, obtained from the leaves of coca. It is a bitter, white, crystalline substance, and is remarkable for producing local insensibility to pain.
- English Word Cocci Definition of Coccus
- English Word Cocciferous Definition Bearing or producing berries; bacciferous; as, cocciferous trees or plants.
- English Word Coccinella Definition A genus of small beetles of many species. They and their larvae feed on aphids or plant lice, and hence are of great benefit to man. Also called ladybirds and ladybugs.
- English Word Coccobacteria Definition of Coccobacterium
- English Word Coccobacterium Definition One of the round variety of bacteria, a vegetable organism, generally less than a thousandth of a millimeter in diameter.
- English Word Coccolite Definition A granular variety of pyroxene, green or white in color.