CPage 254
- English Word Coat Definition To cover with a coat or outer garment.
- English Word Coat Definition To cover with a layer of any substance; as, to coat a jar with tin foil; to coat a ceiling.
- English Word Coated Definition of Coat
- English Word Coatee Definition A coat with short flaps.
- English Word Coati Definition A mammal of tropical America of the genus Nasua, allied to the raccoon, but with a longer body, tail, and nose.
- English Word Coating Definition of Coat
- English Word Coating Definition A coat or covering; a layer of any substance, as a cover or protection; as, the coating of a retort or vial.
- English Word Coating Definition Cloth for coats; as, an assortment of coatings.
- English Word Coatless Definition Not wearing a coat; also, not possessing a coat.
- English Word Coax Definition To persuade by gentle, insinuating courtesy, flattering, or fondling; to wheedle; to soothe.
- English Word Coax Definition A simpleton; a dupe.
- English Word Coaxation Definition The act of croaking.
- English Word Coaxed Definition of Coax
- English Word Coaxer Definition One who coaxes.
- English Word Coaxing Definition of Coax
- English Word Coaxingly Definition In a coaxing manner; by coaxing.
- English Word Cob Definition The top or head of anything.
- English Word Cob Definition A leader or chief; a conspicuous person, esp. a rich covetous person.
- English Word Cob Definition The axis on which the kernels of maize or indian corn grow.
- English Word Cob Definition A spider; perhaps from its shape; it being round like a head.
- English Word Cob Definition A young herring.
- English Word Cob Definition A fish; -- also called miller's thumb.
- English Word Cob Definition A short-legged and stout horse, esp. one used for the saddle.
- English Word Cob Definition A sea mew or gull; esp., the black-backed gull (Larus marinus).
- English Word Cob Definition A lump or piece of anything, usually of a somewhat large size, as of coal, or stone.
- English Word Cob Definition A cobnut; as, Kentish cobs. See Cobnut.
- English Word Cob Definition Clay mixed with straw.
- English Word Cob Definition A punishment consisting of blows inflicted on the buttocks with a strap or a flat piece of wood.
- English Word Cob Definition A Spanish coin formerly current in Ireland, worth abiut 4s. 6d.
- English Word Cob Definition To strike