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  • English Word Tachylyte Definition A vitreous form of basalt; -- so called because decomposable by acids and readily fusible.
  • English Word Tacit Definition Done or made in silence; implied, but not expressed; silent; as, tacit consent is consent by silence, or by not interposing an objection.
  • English Word Taciturn Definition Habitually silent; not given to converse; not apt to talk or speak.
  • English Word Taciturnity Definition Habilual silence, or reserve in speaking.
  • English Word Tack Definition The part of a sail to which the tack is usually fastened; the foremost lower corner of fore-and-aft sails, as of schooners (see Illust. of Sail).
  • English Word Tack Definition A contract by which the use of a thing is set, or let, for hire; a lease.
  • English Word Tack Definition Confidence; reliance.
  • English Word Tack Definition To fasten or attach.
  • English Word Tack Definition In parliamentary usage, to add (a supplement) to a bill; to append; -- often with on or to.
  • English Word Tack Definition To change the direction of a vessel by shifting the position of the helm and sails; also (as said of a vessel), to have her direction changed through the shifting of the helm and sails. See Tack, v. t., 4.
  • English Word Tack Definition That which is attached; a supplement; an appendix. See Tack, v. t., 3.
  • English Word Tack Definition A rope used to hold in place the foremost lower corners of the courses when the vessel is closehauled (see Illust. of Ship); also, a rope employed to pull the lower corner of a studding sail to the boom.
  • English Word Tack Definition The direction of a vessel in regard to the trim of her sails; as, the starboard tack, or port tack; -- the former when she is closehauled with the wind on her starboard side; hence, the run of a vessel on one tack; also, a change of direction.
  • English Word Tack Definition Especially, to attach or secure in a slight or hasty manner, as by stitching or nailing; as, to tack together the sheets of a book; to tack one piece of cloth to another; to tack on a board or shingle; to tack one piece of metal to another by drops of solder.
  • English Word Tack Definition To change the direction of (a vessel) when sailing closehauled, by putting the helm alee and shifting the tacks and sails so that she will proceed to windward nearly at right angles to her former course.
  • English Word Tack Definition A stain; a tache.
  • English Word Tack Definition A peculiar flavor or taint; as, a musty tack.
  • English Word Tack Definition A small, short, sharp-pointed nail, usually having a broad, flat head.
  • English Word Tacked Definition of Tack
  • English Word Tacker Definition One who tacks.
  • English Word Tacket Definition A small, broad-headed nail.
  • English Word Tackey Definition See Tacky.
  • English Word Tacking Definition of Tack
  • English Word Tacking Definition A union of securities given at different times, all of which must be redeemed before an intermediate purchaser can interpose his claim.
  • English Word Tackle Definition To begin to deal with; as, to tackle the problem.
  • English Word Tackle Definition Any instruments of action; an apparatus by which an object is moved or operated; gear; as, fishing tackle, hunting tackle; formerly, specifically, weapons.
  • English Word Tackle Definition To seize; to lay hold of; to grapple; as, a wrestler tackles his antagonist; a dog tackles the game.
  • English Word Tackle Definition Apparatus for raising or lowering heavy weights, consisting of a rope and pulley blocks; sometimes, the rope and attachments, as distinct from the block.
  • English Word Tackle Definition To supply with tackle.
  • English Word Tackle Definition To fasten or attach, as with a tackle; to harness; as, to tackle a horse into a coach or wagon.