TPage 204
- English Word Tranquillizer Definition One who, or that which, tranquilizes.
- English Word Tranquillizing Definition of Tranquillize
- English Word Tranquillizing Definition Making tranquil; calming.
- English Word Tranquilly Definition In a tranquil manner; calmly.
- English Word Tranquilness Definition Quality or state of being tranquil.
- English Word Trans- Definition A prefix, signifying over, beyond, through and through, on the other side, as in transalpine, beyond the Alps; transform, to form through and through, that is, anew, transfigure.
- English Word Transact Definition To carry through; to do; perform; to manage; as, to transact commercial business; to transact business by an agent.
- English Word Transact Definition To conduct matters; to manage affairs.
- English Word Transacted Definition of Transact
- English Word Transacting Definition of Transact
- English Word Transaction Definition The doing or performing of any business; management of any affair; performance.
- English Word Transaction Definition That which is done; an affair; as, the transactions on the exchange.
- English Word Transaction Definition An adjustment of a dispute between parties by mutual agreement.
- English Word Transactor Definition One who transacts, performs, or conducts any business.
- English Word Transalpine Definition Being on the farther side of the Alps in regard to Rome, that is, on the north or west side of the Alps; of or pertaining to the region or the people beyond the Alps; as, transalpine Gaul; -- opposed to cisalpine.
- English Word Transalpine Definition A native or inhabitant of a country beyond the Alps, that is, out of Italy.
- English Word Transanimate Definition To animate with a soul conveyed from another body.
- English Word Transanimated Definition of Transanimate
- English Word Transanimating Definition of Transanimate
- English Word Transanimation Definition The conveyance of a soul from one body to another.
- English Word Transatlantic Definition Lying or being beyond the Atlantic Ocean.
- English Word Transatlantic Definition Crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
- English Word Transaudient Definition Permitting the passage of sound.
- English Word Transcalency Definition The quality or state of being transcalent.
- English Word Transcalent Definition Pervious to, or permitting the passage of, heat.
- English Word Transcend Definition To rise above; to surmount; as, lights in the heavens transcending the region of the clouds.
- English Word Transcend Definition To pass over; to go beyond; to exceed.
- English Word Transcend Definition To surpass; to outgo; to excel; to exceed.
- English Word Transcend Definition To climb; to mount.
- English Word Transcend Definition To be transcendent; to excel.