TPage 203
- English Word Tramroad Definition A road prepared for easy transit of trams or wagons, by forming the wheel tracks of smooth beams of wood, blocks of stone, or plates of iron.
- English Word Tramway Definition Same as Tramroad.
- English Word Tramway Definition A railway laid in the streets of a town or city, on which cars for passengers or for freight are drawn by horses; a horse railroad.
- English Word Tranation Definition The act of swimming over.
- English Word Trance Definition A tedious journey.
- English Word Trance Definition A state in which the soul seems to have passed out of the body into another state of being, or to be rapt into visions; an ecstasy.
- English Word Trance Definition A condition, often simulating death, in which there is a total suspension of the power of voluntary movement, with abolition of all evidences of mental activity and the reduction to a minimum of all the vital functions so that the patient lies still and apparently unconscious of surrounding objects, while the pulsation of the heart and the breathing, although still present, are almost or altogether imperceptible.
- English Word Trance Definition To entrance.
- English Word Trance Definition To pass over or across; to traverse.
- English Word Trance Definition To pass; to travel.
- English Word Tranced Definition of Trance
- English Word Trancing Definition of Trance
- English Word Trancscendent Definition That which surpasses or is supereminent; that which is very excellent.
- English Word Trancscendental Definition Supereminent; surpassing others; as, transcendental being or qualities.
- English Word Trancscendental Definition In the Kantian system, of or pertaining to that which can be determined a priori in regard to the fundamental principles of all human knowledge. What is transcendental, therefore, transcends empiricism; but is does not transcend all human knowledge, or become transcendent. It simply signifies the a priori or necessary conditions of experience which, though affording the conditions of experience, transcend the sphere of that contingent knowledge which is acquired by experience.
- English Word Trancscendental Definition Vaguely and ambitiously extravagant in speculation, imagery, or diction.
- English Word Tranect Definition A ferry.
- English Word Trangram Definition Something intricately contrived; a contrived; a puzzle.
- English Word Trannel Definition A treenail.
- English Word Tranquil Definition Quiet; calm; undisturbed; peaceful; not agitated; as, the atmosphere is tranquil; the condition of the country is tranquil.
- English Word Tranquilization Definition Alt. of Tranquillization
- English Word Tranquilize Definition Alt. of Tranquillize
- English Word Tranquilized Definition of Tranquillize
- English Word Tranquilizer Definition Alt. of Tranquillizer
- English Word Tranquilizing Definition of Tranquillize
- English Word Tranquilizing Definition Alt. of Tranquillizing
- English Word Tranquilliized Definition of Tranquillize
- English Word Tranquillity Definition The quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; composure.
- English Word Tranquillization Definition The act of tranquilizing, or the state of being tranquilized.
- English Word Tranquillize Definition To render tranquil; to allay when agitated; to compose; to make calm and peaceful; as, to tranquilize a state disturbed by factions or civil commotions; to tranquilize the mind.