TPage 156
- English Word Toasting Definition a. & n. from Toast, v.
- English Word Toastmaster Definition A person who presides at a public dinner or banquet, and announces the toasts.
- English Word Toat Definition The handle of a joiner's plane.
- English Word Tobacco Definition An American plant (Nicotiana Tabacum) of the Nightshade family, much used for smoking and chewing, and as snuff. As a medicine, it is narcotic, emetic, and cathartic. Tobacco has a strong, peculiar smell, and an acrid taste.
- English Word Tobacco Definition The leaves of the plant prepared for smoking, chewing, etc., by being dried, cured, and manufactured in various ways.
- English Word Tobacconing Definition Smoking tobacco.
- English Word Tobacconist Definition A dealer in tobacco; also, a manufacturer of tobacco.
- English Word Tobacconist Definition A smoker of tobacco.
- English Word Tobias fish Definition The lant, or sand eel.
- English Word Tobine Definition A stout twilled silk used for dresses.
- English Word Tobit Definition A book of the Apocrypha.
- English Word Toboggan Definition A kind of sledge made of pliable board, turned up at one or both ends, used for coasting down hills or prepared inclined planes; also, a sleigh or sledge, to be drawn by dogs, or by hand, over soft and deep snow.
- English Word Toboggan Definition To slide down hill over the snow or ice on a toboggan.
- English Word Tobogganed Definition of Toboggan
- English Word Tobogganer Definition Alt. of Tobogganist
- English Word Tobogganing Definition of Toboggan
- English Word Tobogganist Definition One who practices tobogganing.
- English Word Toccata Definition An old form of piece for the organ or harpsichord, somewhat in the free and brilliant style of the prelude, fantasia, or capriccio.
- English Word Tocher Definition Dowry brought by a bride to her husband.
- English Word Tockay Definition A spotted lizard native of India.
- English Word Toco Definition A toucan (Ramphastos toco) having a very large beak. See Illust. under Toucan.
- English Word Tocology Definition The science of obstetrics, or midwifery; that department of medicine which treats of parturition.
- English Word Tocororo Definition A cuban trogon (Priotelus temnurus) having a serrated bill and a tail concave at the end.
- English Word Tocsin Definition An alarm bell, or the ringing of a bell for the purpose of alarm.
- English Word Tod Definition A bush; a thick shrub; a bushy clump.
- English Word Tod Definition An old weight used in weighing wool, being usually twenty-eight pounds.
- English Word Tod Definition A fox; -- probably so named from its bushy tail.
- English Word Tod Definition To weigh; to yield in tods.
- English Word Toddle Definition To walk with short, tottering steps, as a child.
- English Word Toddle Definition A toddling walk.