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- English Word To-rent Definition of To-rend
- English Word Toad Definition Any one of numerous species of batrachians belonging to the genus Bufo and allied genera, especially those of the family Bufonidae. Toads are generally terrestrial in their habits except during the breeding season, when they seek the water. Most of the species burrow beneath the earth in the daytime and come forth to feed on insects at night. Most toads have a rough, warty skin in which are glands that secrete an acrid fluid.
- English Word Toadeater Definition A fawning, obsequious parasite; a mean sycophant; a flatterer; a toady.
- English Word Toadfish Definition Any marine fish of the genus Batrachus, having a large, thick head and a wide mouth, and bearing some resemblance to a toad. The American species (Batrachus tau) is very common in shallow water. Called also oyster fish, and sapo.
- English Word Toadfish Definition The angler.
- English Word Toadfish Definition A swellfish.
- English Word Toadflax Definition An herb (Linaria vulgaris) of the Figwort family, having narrow leaves and showy orange and yellow flowers; -- called also butter and eggs, flaxweed, and ramsted.
- English Word Toadhead Definition The golden plover.
- English Word Toadied Definition of Toady
- English Word Toadies Definition of Toady
- English Word Toadish Definition Like a toad.
- English Word Toadlet Definition A small toad.
- English Word Toadstone Definition A local name for the igneous rocks of Derbyshire, England; -- said by some to be derived from the German todter stein, meaning dead stone, that is, stone which contains no ores.
- English Word Toadstone Definition Bufonite, formerly regarded as a precious stone, and worn as a jewel. See Bufonite.
- English Word Toadstool Definition A name given to many umbrella-shaped fungi, mostly of the genus Agaricus. The species are almost numberless. They grow on decaying organic matter.
- English Word Toady Definition A mean flatterer; a toadeater; a sycophant.
- English Word Toady Definition A coarse, rustic woman.
- English Word Toady Definition To fawn upon with mean sycophancy.
- English Word Toadying Definition of Toady
- English Word Toadyism Definition The practice of meanly fawning on another; base sycophancy; servile adulation.
- English Word Toast Definition To dry and brown by the heat of a fire; as, to toast bread.
- English Word Toast Definition To warm thoroughly; as, to toast the feet.
- English Word Toast Definition To name when a health is proposed to be drunk; to drink to the health, or in honor, of; as, to toast a lady.
- English Word Toast Definition Bread dried and browned before a fire, usually in slices; also, a kind of food prepared by putting slices of toasted bread into milk, gravy, etc.
- English Word Toast Definition A lady in honor of whom persons or a company are invited to drink; -- so called because toasts were formerly put into the liquor, as a great delicacy.
- English Word Toast Definition Hence, any person, especially a person of distinction, in honor of whom a health is drunk; hence, also, anything so commemorated; a sentiment, as "The land we live in," "The day we celebrate," etc.
- English Word Toasted Definition of Toast
- English Word Toaster Definition One who toasts.
- English Word Toaster Definition A kitchen utensil for toasting bread, cheese, etc.
- English Word Toasting Definition of Toast