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- English Word Thoroughgoing Definition Going through, or to the end or bottom; very thorough; complete.
- English Word Thoroughgoing Definition Going all lengths; extreme; thoroughplaced; -- less common in this sense.
- English Word Thoroughly Definition In a thorough manner; fully; entirely; completely.
- English Word Thoroughness Definition The quality or state of being thorough; completeness.
- English Word Thoroughpaced Definition Perfect in what is undertaken; complete; going all lengths; as, a thoroughplaced Tory or Whig.
- English Word Thoroughpin Definition A disease of the hock (sometimes of the knee) of a horse, caused by inflammation of the synovial membrane and a consequent excessive secretion of the synovial fluid; -- probably so called because there is usually an oval swelling on each side of the leg, appearing somewhat as if a pin had been thrust through.
- English Word Thoroughsped Definition Fully accomplished; thoroughplaced.
- English Word Thoroughstitch Definition So as to go the whole length of any business; fully; completely.
- English Word Thoroughwax Definition An umbelliferous plant (Bupleurum rotundifolium) with perfoliate leaves.
- English Word Thoroughwax Definition Thoroughwort.
- English Word Thoroughwort Definition Same as Boneset.
- English Word Thorow Definition Through.
- English Word Thorow Definition Thorough.
- English Word Thorp Definition Alt. of Thorpe
- English Word Thorpe Definition A group of houses in the country; a small village; a hamlet; a dorp; -- now chiefly occurring in names of places and persons; as, Althorp, Mablethorpe.
- English Word Those Definition The plural of that. See That.
- English Word Thoth Definition The god of eloquence and letters among the ancient Egyptians, and supposed to be the inventor of writing and philosophy. He corresponded to the Mercury of the Romans, and was usually represented as a human figure with the head of an ibis or a lamb.
- English Word Thoth Definition The Egyptian sacred baboon.
- English Word Thou Definition The second personal pronoun, in the singular number, denoting the person addressed; thyself; the pronoun which is used in addressing persons in the solemn or poetical style.
- English Word Thou Definition To address as thou, esp. to do so in order to treat with insolent familiarity or contempt.
- English Word Thou Definition To use the words thou and thee in discourse after the manner of the Friends.
- English Word Though Definition Granting, admitting, or supposing that; notwithstanding that; if.
- English Word Though Definition However; nevertheless; notwithstanding; -- used in familiar language, and in the middle or at the end of a sentence.
- English Word Thought Definition of Think
- English Word Thought Definition imp. & p. p. of Think.
- English Word Thought Definition The act of thinking; the exercise of the mind in any of its higher forms; reflection; cogitation.
- English Word Thought Definition Meditation; serious consideration.
- English Word Thought Definition That which is thought; an idea; a mental conception, whether an opinion, judgment, fancy, purpose, or intention.
- English Word Thought Definition Solicitude; anxious care; concern.
- English Word Thought Definition A small degree or quantity; a trifle; as, a thought longer; a thought better.