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- English Word Thirty Definition Being three times ten; consisting of one more than twenty-nine; twenty and ten; as, the month of June consists of thirty days.
- English Word Thirty Definition The sum of three tens, or twenty and ten; thirty units or objects.
- English Word Thirty Definition A symbol expressing thirty, as 30, or XXX.
- English Word Thirty-second Definition Being one of thirty-two equal parts into which anything is divided.
- English Word This Definition As a demonstrative pronoun, this denotes something that is present or near in place or time, or something just mentioned, or that is just about to be mentioned.
- English Word This Definition As an adjective, this has the same demonstrative force as the pronoun, but is followed by a noun; as, this book; this way to town.
- English Word Thistle Definition Any one of several prickly composite plants, especially those of the genera Cnicus, Craduus, and Onopordon. The name is often also applied to other prickly plants.
- English Word Thistly Definition Overgrown with thistles; as, thistly ground.
- English Word Thistly Definition Fig.: Resembling a thistle or thistles; sharp; pricking.
- English Word Thither Definition To that place; -- opposed to hither.
- English Word Thither Definition To that point, end, or result; as, the argument tended thither.
- English Word Thither Definition Being on the farther side from the person speaking; farther; -- a correlative of hither; as, on the thither side of the water.
- English Word Thither Definition Applied to time: On the thither side of, older than; of more years than. See Hither, a.
- English Word Thitherto Definition To that point; so far.
- English Word Thitherward Definition To ward that place; in that direction.
- English Word Thitsee Definition The varnish tree of Burmah (Melanorrhoea usitatissima).
- English Word Thitsee Definition A black varnish obtained from the tree.
- English Word Thlipsis Definition Compression, especially constriction of vessels by an external cause.
- English Word Tho Definition The.
- English Word Tho Definition Those.
- English Word Tho Definition Then.
- English Word Tho Definition Though.
- English Word Thole Definition A wooden or metal pin, set in the gunwale of a boat, to serve as a fulcrum for the oar in rowing.
- English Word Thole Definition The pin, or handle, of a scythe snath.
- English Word Thole Definition To bear; to endure; to undergo.
- English Word Thole Definition To wait.
- English Word Tholed Definition of Thole
- English Word Tholing Definition of Thole
- English Word Thomaean Definition Alt. of Thomean
- English Word Thomaism Definition The doctrine of Thomas Aquinas, esp. with respect to predestination and grace.