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  • English Word Surround Definition To pass around; to travel about; to circumnavigate; as, to surround the world.
  • English Word Surround Definition To inclose, as a body of troops, between hostile forces, so as to cut off means of communication or retreat; to invest, as a city.
  • English Word Surround Definition A method of hunting some animals, as the buffalo, by surrounding a herd, and driving them over a precipice, into a ravine, etc.
  • English Word Surrounded Definition of Surround
  • English Word Surrounding Definition of Surround
  • English Word Surrounding Definition Inclosing; encircling.
  • English Word Surrounding Definition An encompassing.
  • English Word Surrounding Definition The things which surround or environ; external or attending circumstances or conditions.
  • English Word Surrow Definition The thar.
  • English Word Surroyal Definition One of the terminal branches or divisions of the beam of the antler of the stag or other large deer.
  • English Word Sursanure Definition A wound healed or healing outwardly only.
  • English Word Surseance Definition Peace; quiet.
  • English Word Sursolid Definition The fifth power of a number; as, a/ is the sursolid of a, or 32 that of 2.
  • English Word Surstyle Definition To surname.
  • English Word Surtax Definition An additional or extra tax.
  • English Word Surtax Definition To impose an additional tax on.
  • English Word Surtout Definition A man's coat to be worn over his other garments; an overcoat, especially when long, and fitting closely like a body coat.
  • English Word Surturbrand Definition A fibrous brown coal or bituminous wood.
  • English Word Surucucu Definition See Bush master, under Bush.
  • English Word Surveillance Definition Oversight; watch; inspection; supervision.
  • English Word Surveillant Definition One who watches over another; an overseer; a spy; a supervisor.
  • English Word Surveillant Definition Overseeing; watchful.
  • English Word Surveillants Definition of Surveillant
  • English Word Survene Definition To supervene upon; to come as an addition to.
  • English Word Survened Definition of Survene
  • English Word Survening Definition of Survene
  • English Word Survenue Definition A sudden or unexpected coming or stepping on.
  • English Word Survey Definition To inspect, or take a view of; to view with attention, as from a high place; to overlook; as, to stand on a hill, and survey the surrounding country.
  • English Word Survey Definition To view with a scrutinizing eye; to examine.
  • English Word Survey Definition To examine with reference to condition, situation, value, etc.; to examine and ascertain the state of; as, to survey a building in order to determine its value and exposure to loss by fire.