SPage 668
- English Word Surrein Definition To override; to exhaust by riding.
- English Word Surrejoin Definition To reply, as a plaintiff to a defendant's rejoinder.
- English Word Surrejoinder Definition The answer of a plaintiff to a defendant's rejoinder.
- English Word Surrender Definition To yield to the power of another; to give or deliver up possession of (anything) upon compulsion or demand; as, to surrender one's person to an enemy or to an officer; to surrender a fort or a ship.
- English Word Surrender Definition To give up possession of; to yield; to resign; as, to surrender a right, privilege, or advantage.
- English Word Surrender Definition To yield to any influence, emotion, passion, or power; -- used reflexively; as, to surrender one's self to grief, to despair, to indolence, or to sleep.
- English Word Surrender Definition To yield; to render or deliver up; to give up; as, a principal surrendered by his bail, a fugitive from justice by a foreign state, or a particular estate by the tenant thereof to him in remainder or reversion.
- English Word Surrender Definition To give up one's self into the power of another; to yield; as, the enemy, seeing no way of escape, surrendered at the first summons.
- English Word Surrender Definition The act of surrendering; the act of yielding, or resigning one's person, or the possession of something, into the power of another; as, the surrender of a castle to an enemy; the surrender of a right.
- English Word Surrender Definition The yielding of a particular estate to him who has an immediate estate in remainder or reversion.
- English Word Surrender Definition The giving up of a principal into lawful custody by his bail.
- English Word Surrender Definition The delivery up of fugitives from justice by one government to another, as by a foreign state. See Extradition.
- English Word Surrendered Definition of Surrender
- English Word Surrenderee Definition The person to whom a surrender is made.
- English Word Surrenderer Definition One who surrenders.
- English Word Surrendering Definition of Surrender
- English Word Surrenderor Definition One who makes a surrender, as of an estate.
- English Word Surrendry Definition Surrender.
- English Word Surreption Definition The act or process of getting in a surreptitious manner, or by craft or stealth.
- English Word Surreption Definition A coming unperceived or suddenly.
- English Word Surreptitious Definition Done or made by stealth, or without proper authority; made or introduced fraudulently; clandestine; stealthy; as, a surreptitious passage in an old manuscript; a surreptitious removal of goods.
- English Word Surrey Definition A four-wheeled pleasure carriage, (commonly two-seated) somewhat like a phaeton, but having a straight bottom.
- English Word Surrogate Definition A deputy; a delegate; a substitute.
- English Word Surrogate Definition The deputy of an ecclesiastical judge, most commonly of a bishop or his chancellor, especially a deputy who grants marriage licenses.
- English Word Surrogate Definition In some States of the United States, an officer who presides over the probate of wills and testaments and yield the settlement of estates.
- English Word Surrogate Definition To put in the place of another; to substitute.
- English Word Surrogateship Definition The office of a surrogate.
- English Word Surrogation Definition The act of substituting one person in the place of another.
- English Word Surround Definition To inclose on all sides; to encompass; to environ.
- English Word Surround Definition To lie or be on all sides of; to encircle; as, a wall surrounds the city.