SPage 617
- English Word Subtorrid Definition Nearly torrid.
- English Word Subtract Definition To withdraw, or take away, as a part from the whole; to deduct; as, subtract 5 from 9, and the remainder is 4.
- English Word Subtracted Definition of Subtract
- English Word Subtracter Definition One who subtracts.
- English Word Subtracter Definition The subtrahend.
- English Word Subtracting Definition of Subtract
- English Word Subtraction Definition The act or operation of subtracting or taking away a part.
- English Word Subtraction Definition The taking of a lesser number or quantity from a greater of the same kind or denomination; an operation for finding the difference between two numbers or quantities.
- English Word Subtraction Definition The withdrawing or withholding from a person of some right to which he is entitled by law.
- English Word Subtractive Definition Tending, or having power, to subtract.
- English Word Subtractive Definition Having the negative sign, or sign minus.
- English Word Subtrahend Definition The sum or number to be subtracted, or taken from another.
- English Word Subtranslucent Definition Not perfectly translucent.
- English Word Subtransparent Definition Not perfectly transparent.
- English Word Subtreasurer Definition The public officer who has charge of a subtreasury.
- English Word Subtreasuries Definition of Subtreasury
- English Word Subtreasury Definition A subordinate treasury, or place of deposit; as, the United States subtreasury at New York.
- English Word Subtriangular Definition Nearly, but not perfectly, triangular.
- English Word Subtribe Definition A division of a tribe; a group of genera of a little lower rank than a tribe.
- English Word Subtrihedral Definition Approaching the form of a three-sided pyramid; as, the subtrihedral crown of a tooth.
- English Word Subtriple Definition Containing a third, or one part to three.
- English Word Subtriplicate Definition Expressed by the cube root; -- said especially of ratios.
- English Word Subtropical Definition Nearly tropical.
- English Word Subtrude Definition To place under; to insert.
- English Word Subtruded Definition of Subtrude
- English Word Subtruding Definition of Subtrude
- English Word Subturriculate Definition Somewhat turriculate.
- English Word Subtutor Definition An under tutor.
- English Word Subtypical Definition Deviating somewhat from the type of a species, genus, or other group; slightly aberrant.
- English Word Subulate Definition Alt. of Subulated