SPage 615
- English Word Subtangent Definition The part of the axis contained between the ordinate and tangent drawn to the same point in a curve.
- English Word Subtartarean Definition Being or living under Tartarus; infernal.
- English Word Subtectacle Definition A space under a roof; a tabernacle; a dwelling.
- English Word Subtegulaneous Definition Under the roof or eaves; within doors.
- English Word Subtenant Definition One who rents a tenement, or land, etc., of one who is also a tenant; an undertenant.
- English Word Subtend Definition To extend under, or be opposed to; as, the line of a triangle which subtends the right angle; the chord subtends an arc.
- English Word Subtended Definition of Subtend
- English Word Subtending Definition of Subtend
- English Word Subtense Definition A line subtending, or stretching across; a chord; as, the subtense of an arc.
- English Word Subtepid Definition Slightly tepid.
- English Word Subterete Definition Somewhat terete.
- English Word Subterfluent Definition Alt. of Subterfluous
- English Word Subterfluous Definition Running under or beneath.
- English Word Subterfuge Definition That to which one resorts for escape or concealment; an artifice employed to escape censure or the force of an argument, or to justify opinions or conduct; a shift; an evasion.
- English Word Subterrane Definition A cave or room under ground.
- English Word Subterraneal Definition Subterranean.
- English Word Subterranean Definition Alt. of Subterraneous
- English Word Subterraneous Definition Being or lying under the surface of the earth; situated within the earth, or under ground; as, subterranean springs; a subterraneous passage.
- English Word Subterranity Definition A place under ground; a subterrany.
- English Word Subterrany Definition Subterranean.
- English Word Subterrany Definition A subterranean place.
- English Word Subterrene Definition Subterraneous.
- English Word Subterrestrial Definition Subterranean.
- English Word Subthalamic Definition Situated under the optic thalamus.
- English Word Subtile Definition Thin; not dense or gross; rare; as, subtile air; subtile vapor; a subtile medium.
- English Word Subtile Definition Delicately constituted or constructed; nice; fine; delicate; tenuous; finely woven.
- English Word Subtile Definition Acute; piercing; searching.
- English Word Subtile Definition Characterized by nicety of discrimination; discerning; delicate; refined; subtle.
- English Word Subtile Definition Sly; artful; cunning; crafty; subtle; as, a subtile person; a subtile adversary; a subtile scheme.
- English Word Subtiliate Definition To make thin or rare.