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  • English Word Subjection Definition The act of subjecting, or of bringing under the dominion of another; the act of subduing.
  • English Word Subjection Definition The state of being subject, or under the power, control, and government of another; a state of obedience or submissiveness; as, the safety of life, liberty, and property depends on our subjection to the laws.
  • English Word Subjectist Definition One skilled in subjective philosophy; a subjectivist.
  • English Word Subjective Definition Of or pertaining to a subject.
  • English Word Subjective Definition Especially, pertaining to, or derived from, one's own consciousness, in distinction from external observation; ralating to the mind, or intellectual world, in distinction from the outward or material excessively occupied with, or brooding over, one's own internal states.
  • English Word Subjective Definition Modified by, or making prominent, the individuality of a writer or an artist; as, a subjective drama or painting; a subjective writer.
  • English Word Subjectivism Definition Any philosophical doctrine which refers all knowledge to, and founds it upon, any subjective states; egoism.
  • English Word Subjectivist Definition One who holds to subjectivism; an egoist.
  • English Word Subjectivity Definition The quality or state of being subjective; character of the subject.
  • English Word Subjectless Definition Having no subject.
  • English Word Subjectness Definition Quality of being subject.
  • English Word Subjicible Definition Capable of being subjected.
  • English Word Subjoin Definition To add after something else has been said or written; to ANNEX; as, to subjoin an argument or reason.
  • English Word Subjoinder Definition An additional remark.
  • English Word Subjoined Definition of Subjoin
  • English Word Subjoining Definition of Subjoin
  • English Word Subjugate Definition To subdue, and bring under the yoke of power or dominion; to conquer by force, and compel to submit to the government or absolute control of another; to vanquish.
  • English Word Subjugated Definition of Subjugate
  • English Word Subjugating Definition of Subjugate
  • English Word Subjugation Definition The act of subjugating, or the state of being subjugated.
  • English Word Subjugator Definition One who subjugates; a conqueror.
  • English Word Subjunction Definition Act of subjoining, or state of being subjoined.
  • English Word Subjunction Definition Something subjoined; as, a subjunction to a sentence.
  • English Word Subjunctive Definition Subjoined or added to something before said or written.
  • English Word Subjunctive Definition The subjunctive mood; also, a verb in the subjunctive mood.
  • English Word Subkingdom Definition One of the several primary divisions of either the animal, or vegetable kingdom, as, in zoology, the Vertebrata, Tunicata, Mollusca, Articulata, Molluscoidea, Echinodermata, Coelentera, and the Protozoa; in botany, the Phanerogamia, and the Cryptogamia.
  • English Word Sublapsarian Definition Same as Infralapsarian.
  • English Word Sublapsarianism Definition Infralapsarianism.
  • English Word Sublapsary Definition Sublapsarian.
  • English Word Sublate Definition To take or carry away; to remove.