SPage 599
- English Word Subgenus Definition A subdivision of a genus, comprising one or more species which differ from other species of the genus in some important character or characters; as, the azaleas now constitute a subgenus of Rhododendron.
- English Word Subglacial Definition Pertaining or belonging to the under side of a glacier; being beneath a glacier; as, subglacial streams.
- English Word Subglobose Definition Not quite globose.
- English Word Subglobular Definition Nearly globular.
- English Word Subglossal Definition Situated under the tongue; sublingual.
- English Word Subglottic Definition Situated below the glottis; -- applied to that part of the cavity of the larynx below the true vocal cords.
- English Word Subglumaceous Definition Somewhat glumaceous.
- English Word Subgovernor Definition A subordinate or assistant governor.
- English Word Subgranular Definition Somewhat granular.
- English Word Subgroup Definition A subdivision of a group, as of animals.
- English Word Subhastation Definition A public sale or auction.
- English Word Subhepatic Definition Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the liver; -- applied to the interlobular branches of the portal vein.
- English Word Subhornblendic Definition Containing hornblende in a scattered state; of or relating to rocks containing disseminated hornblende.
- English Word Subhumerate Definition To place the shoulders under; to bear.
- English Word Subhyaloid Definition Situated under the hyaliod membrane.
- English Word Subhyoidean Definition Situated or performed beneath the hyoid bone; as, subhyoidean laryngotomy.
- English Word Subibfer Definition To infer from an inference already made.
- English Word Subimago Definition A stage in the development of certain insects, such as the May flies, intermediate between the pupa and imago. In this stage, the insect is able to fly, but subsequently sheds a skin before becoming mature. Called also pseudimago.
- English Word Subincusation Definition A slight charge or accusation.
- English Word Subindex Definition A number or mark placed opposite the lower part of a letter or symbol to distinguish the symbol; thus, a0, b1, c2, xn, have 0, 1, 2, and n as subindices.
- English Word Subindicate Definition To indicate by signs or hints; to indicate imperfectly.
- English Word Subindication Definition The act of indicating by signs; a slight indication.
- English Word Subindices Definition of Subindex
- English Word Subindividual Definition A division of that which is individual.
- English Word Subinduce Definition To insinuate; to offer indirectly.
- English Word Subinfeudation Definition The granting of lands by inferior lords to their dependents, to be held by themselves by feudal tenure.
- English Word Subinfeudation Definition Subordinate tenancy; undertenancy.
- English Word Subingression Definition Secret entrance.
- English Word Subintestinal Definition Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the intestine.
- English Word Subinvolution Definition Partial or incomplete involution; as, subinvolution of the uterus.