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  • English Word Strain Definition To injure in the muscles or joints by causing to make too strong an effort; to harm by overexertion; to sprain; as, to strain a horse by overloading; to strain the wrist; to strain a muscle.
  • English Word Strain Definition To squeeze; to press closely.
  • English Word Strain Definition To make uneasy or unnatural; to produce with apparent effort; to force; to constrain.
  • English Word Strain Definition To urge with importunity; to press; as, to strain a petition or invitation.
  • English Word Strain Definition To press, or cause to pass, through a strainer, as through a screen, a cloth, or some porous substance; to purify, or separate from extraneous or solid matter, by filtration; to filter; as, to strain milk through cloth.
  • English Word Strain Definition To make violent efforts.
  • English Word Strain Definition To percolate; to be filtered; as, water straining through a sandy soil.
  • English Word Strain Definition The act of straining, or the state of being strained.
  • English Word Strain Definition A violent effort; an excessive and hurtful exertion or tension, as of the muscles; as, he lifted the weight with a strain; the strain upon a ship's rigging in a gale; also, the hurt or injury resulting; a sprain.
  • English Word Strain Definition A change of form or dimensions of a solid or liquid mass, produced by a stress.
  • English Word Strain Definition A portion of music divided off by a double bar; a complete musical period or sentence; a movement, or any rounded subdivision of a movement.
  • English Word Strain Definition Any sustained note or movement; a song; a distinct portion of an ode or other poem; also, the pervading note, or burden, of a song, poem, oration, book, etc.; theme; motive; manner; style; also, a course of action or conduct; as, he spoke in a noble strain; there was a strain of woe in his story; a strain of trickery appears in his career.
  • English Word Strain Definition Turn; tendency; inborn disposition. Cf. 1st Strain.
  • English Word Strainable Definition Capable of being strained.
  • English Word Strainable Definition Violent in action.
  • English Word Strainably Definition Violently.
  • English Word Strained Definition of Strain
  • English Word Strained Definition Subjected to great or excessive tension; wrenched; weakened; as, strained relations between old friends.
  • English Word Strained Definition Done or produced with straining or excessive effort; as, his wit was strained.
  • English Word Strainer Definition One who strains.
  • English Word Strainer Definition That through which any liquid is passed for purification or to separate it from solid matter; anything, as a screen or a cloth, used to strain a liquid; a device of the character of a sieve or of a filter; specifically, an openwork or perforated screen, as for the end of the suction pipe of a pump, to prevent large solid bodies from entering with a liquid.
  • English Word Straining Definition of Strain
  • English Word Straining Definition a. & n. from Strain.
  • English Word Straint Definition Overexertion; excessive tension; strain.
  • English Word Strait Definition A variant of Straight.
  • English Word Strait Definition Narrow; not broad.
  • English Word Strait Definition Tight; close; closely fitting.
  • English Word Strait Definition Close; intimate; near; familiar.
  • English Word Strait Definition Strict; scrupulous; rigorous.
  • English Word Strait Definition Difficult; distressful; straited.