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  • English Word Stoving Definition of Stove
  • English Word Stow Definition To place or arrange in a compact mass; to put in its proper place, or in a suitable place; to pack; as, to stowbags, bales, or casks in a ship's hold; to stow hay in a mow; to stow sheaves.
  • English Word Stow Definition To put away in some place; to hide; to lodge.
  • English Word Stow Definition To arrange anything compactly in; to fill, by packing closely; as, to stow a box, car, or the hold of a ship.
  • English Word Stowage Definition The act or method of stowing; as, the stowage of provisions in a vessel.
  • English Word Stowage Definition Room in which things may be stowed.
  • English Word Stowage Definition The state of being stowed, or put away.
  • English Word Stowage Definition Things stowed or packed.
  • English Word Stowage Definition Money paid for stowing goods.
  • English Word Stowaway Definition One who conceals himself board of a vessel about to leave port, or on a railway train, in order to obtain a free passage.
  • English Word Stowboard Definition A place into which rubbish is put.
  • English Word Stowce Definition A windlass.
  • English Word Stowce Definition A wooden landmark, to indicate possession of mining land.
  • English Word Stowed Definition of Stow
  • English Word Stowing Definition of Stow
  • English Word Stowing Definition A method of working in which the waste is packed into the space formed by excavating the vein.
  • English Word Stowre Definition See Stour, a.
  • English Word Stowre Definition See Stour, n.
  • English Word Strabism Definition Strabismus.
  • English Word Strabismometer Definition An instrument for measuring the amount of strabismus.
  • English Word Strabismus Definition An affection of one or both eyes, in which the optic axes can not be directed to the same object, -- a defect due either to undue contraction or to undue relaxation of one or more of the muscles which move the eyeball; squinting; cross-eye.
  • English Word Strabotomy Definition The operation for the removal of squinting by the division of such muscles as distort the eyeball.
  • English Word Straddle Definition To part the legs wide; to stand or to walk with the legs far apart.
  • English Word Straddle Definition To stand with the ends staggered; -- said of the spokes of a wagon wheel where they join the hub.
  • English Word Straddle Definition To place one leg on one side and the other on the other side of; to stand or sit astride of; as, to straddle a fence or a horse.
  • English Word Straddle Definition The act of standing, sitting, or walking, with the feet far apart.
  • English Word Straddle Definition The position, or the distance between the feet, of one who straddles; as, a wide straddle.
  • English Word Straddle Definition A stock option giving the holder the double privilege of a "put" and a "call," i. e., securing to the buyer of the option the right either to demand of the seller at a certain price, within a certain time, certain securities, or to require him to take at the same price, and within the same time, the same securities.
  • English Word Straddled Definition of Straddle
  • English Word Straddling Definition of Straddle