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  • English Word Stain Definition To spot with guilt or infamy; to bring reproach on; to blot; to soil; to tarnish.
  • English Word Stain Definition To cause to seem inferior or soiled by comparison.
  • English Word Stain Definition To give or receive a stain; to grow dim.
  • English Word Stain Definition A discoloration by foreign matter; a spot; as, a stain on a garment or cloth.
  • English Word Stain Definition A natural spot of a color different from the gound.
  • English Word Stain Definition Taint of guilt; tarnish; disgrace; reproach.
  • English Word Stain Definition Cause of reproach; shame.
  • English Word Stain Definition A tincture; a tinge.
  • English Word Stained Definition of Stain
  • English Word Stainer Definition One who stains or tarnishes.
  • English Word Stainer Definition A workman who stains; as, a stainer of wood.
  • English Word Staining Definition of Stain
  • English Word Stainless Definition Free from stain; immaculate.
  • English Word Stainlessly Definition In a stainless manner.
  • English Word Stair Definition One step of a series for ascending or descending to a different level; -- commonly applied to those within a building.
  • English Word Stair Definition A series of steps, as for passing from one story of a house to another; -- commonly used in the plural; but originally used in the singular only.
  • English Word Staircase Definition A flight of stairs with their supporting framework, casing, balusters, etc.
  • English Word Stairhead Definition The head or top of a staircase.
  • English Word Stairway Definition A flight of stairs or steps; a staircase.
  • English Word Staith Definition A landing place; an elevated staging upon a wharf for discharging coal, etc., as from railway cars, into vessels.
  • English Word Staithman Definition A man employed in weighing and shipping at a staith.
  • English Word Stake Definition A piece of wood, usually long and slender, pointed at one end so as to be easily driven into the ground as a support or stay; as, a stake to support vines, fences, hedges, etc.
  • English Word Stake Definition A stick inserted upright in a lop, eye, or mortise, at the side or end of a cart, a flat car, or the like, to prevent goods from falling off.
  • English Word Stake Definition The piece of timber to which a martyr was affixed to be burned; hence, martyrdom by fire.
  • English Word Stake Definition A small anvil usually furnished with a tang to enter a hole in a bench top, -- used by tinsmiths, blacksmiths, etc., for light work, punching upon, etc.
  • English Word Stake Definition That which is laid down as a wager; that which is staked or hazarded; a pledge.
  • English Word Stake Definition To fasten, support, or defend with stakes; as, to stake vines or plants.
  • English Word Stake Definition To mark the limits of by stakes; -- with out; as, to stake out land; to stake out a new road.
  • English Word Stake Definition To put at hazard upon the issue of competition, or upon a future contingency; to wager; to pledge.
  • English Word Stake Definition To pierce or wound with a stake.