SPage 482
- English Word Staggeringly Definition In a staggering manner.
- English Word Staggerwort Definition A kind of ragwort (Senecio Jacobaea).
- English Word Staghound Definition A large and powerful hound formerly used in hunting the stag, the wolf, and other large animals. The breed is nearly extinct.
- English Word Staging Definition A structure of posts and boards for supporting workmen, etc., as in building.
- English Word Staging Definition The business of running stagecoaches; also, the act of journeying in stagecoaches.
- English Word Stagirite Definition A native of, or resident in, Stagira, in ancient Macedonia; especially, Aristotle.
- English Word Stagnancy Definition State of being stagnant.
- English Word Stagnant Definition That stagnates; not flowing; not running in a current or steam; motionless; hence, impure or foul from want of motion; as, a stagnant lake or pond; stagnant blood in the veins.
- English Word Stagnant Definition Not active or brisk; dull; as, business in stagnant.
- English Word Stagnantly Definition In a stagnant manner.
- English Word Stagnate Definition To cease to flow; to be motionless; as, blood stagnates in the veins of an animal; hence, to become impure or foul by want of motion; as, air stagnates in a close room.
- English Word Stagnate Definition To cease to be brisk or active; to become dull or inactive; as, commerce stagnates; business stagnates.
- English Word Stagnate Definition Stagnant.
- English Word Stagnated Definition of Stagnate
- English Word Stagnating Definition of Stagnate
- English Word Stagnation Definition The condition of being stagnant; cessation of flowing or circulation, as of a fluid; the state of being motionless; as, the stagnation of the blood; the stagnation of water or air; the stagnation of vapors.
- English Word Stagnation Definition The cessation of action, or of brisk action; the state of being dull; as, the stagnation of business.
- English Word Stagworm Definition The larve of any species of botfly which is parasitic upon the stag, as /strus, or Hypoderma, actaeon, which burrows beneath the skin, and Cephalomyia auribarbis, which lives in the nostrils.
- English Word Stahlian Definition Pertaining to, or taught by, Stahl, a German physician and chemist of the 17th century; as, the Stahlian theory of phlogiston.
- English Word Stahlian Definition A believer in, or advocate of, Stahlism.
- English Word Stahlianism Definition The Stahlian theoru, that every vital action is function or operation of the soul.
- English Word Stahlism Definition Alt. of Stahlianism
- English Word Staid Definition Sober; grave; steady; sedate; composed; regular; not wild, volatile, or fanciful.
- English Word Staid Definition of Stay
- English Word Staidly Definition In a staid manner, sedately.
- English Word Staidness Definition The quality or state of being staid; seriousness; steadiness; sedateness; regularity; -- the opposite of wildness, or levity.
- English Word Stail Definition imp. & p. p. of Stay.
- English Word Stail Definition A handle, as of a mop; a stale.
- English Word Stain Definition To discolor by the application of foreign matter; to make foul; to spot; as, to stain the hand with dye; armor stained with blood.
- English Word Stain Definition To color, as wood, glass, paper, cloth, or the like, by processess affecting, chemically or otherwise, the material itself; to tinge with a color or colors combining with, or penetrating, the substance; to dye; as, to stain wood with acids, colored washes, paint rubbed in, etc.; to stain glass.