SPage 448
- English Word Spoke Definition A projecting handle of a steering wheel.
- English Word Spoke Definition A rung, or round, of a ladder.
- English Word Spoke Definition A contrivance for fastening the wheel of a vehicle, to prevent it from turning in going down a hill.
- English Word Spoke Definition To furnish with spokes, as a wheel.
- English Word Spoke Definition of Speak
- English Word Spoke Definition of Speak
- English Word Spoked Definition of Spoke
- English Word Spoken Definition Uttered in speech; delivered by word of mouth; oral; as, a spoken narrative; the spoken word.
- English Word Spoken Definition Characterized by a certain manner or style in speaking; -- often in composition; as, a pleasant-spoken man.
- English Word Spoken Definition of Speak
- English Word Spokeshave Definition A kind of drawing knife or planing tool for dressing the spokes of wheels, the shells of blocks, and other curved work.
- English Word Spokesman Definition One who speaks for another.
- English Word Spokesmen Definition of Spokesman
- English Word Spoking Definition of Spoke
- English Word Spoliate Definition To plunder; to pillage; to despoil; to rob.
- English Word Spoliated Definition of Spoliate
- English Word Spoliating Definition of Spoliate
- English Word Spoliation Definition The act of plundering; robbery; deprivation; despoliation.
- English Word Spoliation Definition Robbery or plunder in war; especially, the authorized act or practice of plundering neutrals at sea.
- English Word Spoliation Definition The act of an incumbent in taking the fruits of his benefice without right, but under a pretended title.
- English Word Spoliation Definition A process for possession of a church in a spiritual court.
- English Word Spoliation Definition Injury done to a document.
- English Word Spoliative Definition Serving to take away, diminish, or rob; esp. (Med.), serving to diminish sensibily the amount of blood in the body; as, spoliative bloodletting.
- English Word Spoliator Definition One who spoliates; a spoiler.
- English Word Spoliatory Definition Tending to spoil; destructive; spoliative.
- English Word Spondaic Definition Alt. of Spondaical
- English Word Spondaical Definition Or of pertaining to a spondee; consisting of spondees.
- English Word Spondaical Definition Containing spondees in excess; marked by spondees; as, a spondaic hexameter, i. e., one which has a spondee instead of a dactyl in the fifth foot.
- English Word Spondee Definition A poetic foot of two long syllables, as in the Latin word leges.
- English Word Spondulics Definition Money.