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  • English Word Split Definition To be broken; to be dashed to pieces.
  • English Word Split Definition To separate into parties or factions.
  • English Word Split Definition To burst with laughter.
  • English Word Split Definition To divulge a secret; to betray confidence; to peach.
  • English Word Split Definition to divide one hand of blackjack into two hands, allowed when the first two cards dealt to a player have the same value.
  • English Word Split Definition A crack, or longitudinal fissure.
  • English Word Split Definition A breach or separation, as in a political party; a division.
  • English Word Split Definition A piece that is split off, or made thin, by splitting; a splinter; a fragment.
  • English Word Split Definition Specif (Leather Manuf.), one of the sections of a skin made by dividing it into two or more thicknesses.
  • English Word Split Definition A division of a stake happening when two cards of the kind on which the stake is laid are dealt in the same turn.
  • English Word Split Definition the substitution of more than one share of a corporation's stock for one share. The market price of the stock usually drops in proportion to the increase in outstanding shares of stock. The split may be in any ratio, as a two-for-one split; a three-for-two split.
  • English Word Split Definition the division by a player of one hand of blackjack into two hands, allowed when the first two cards dealt to a player have the same value; the player is usually obliged to increase the amount wagered by placing a sum equal to the original bet on the new hand thus created.
  • English Word Split Definition Divided; cleft.
  • English Word Split Definition Divided deeply; cleft.
  • English Word Split-tail Definition A california market fish (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) belonging to the Carp family.
  • English Word Split-tail Definition The pintail duck.
  • English Word Split-tongued Definition Having a forked tongue, as that of snakes and some lizards.
  • English Word Splitfeet Definition The Fissipedia.
  • English Word Splitted Definition of Split
  • English Word Splitter Definition One who, or that which, splits.
  • English Word Splitting Definition of Split
  • English Word Splotch Definition A spot; a stain; a daub.
  • English Word Splotchy Definition Covered or marked with splotches.
  • English Word Splurge Definition A blustering demonstration, or great effort; a great display.
  • English Word Splurge Definition To make a great display in any way, especially in oratory.
  • English Word Splutter Definition To speak hastily and confusedly; to sputter.
  • English Word Splutter Definition A confused noise, as of hasty speaking.
  • English Word Spluttered Definition of Splutter
  • English Word Splutterer Definition One who splutters.
  • English Word Spluttering Definition of Splutter