SPage 388
- English Word Soree Definition Same as Sora.
- English Word Sorehead Definition One who is disgruntled by a failure in politics, or the like.
- English Word Sorehon Definition Formerly, in Ireland, a kind of servile tenure which subjected the tenant to maintain his chieftain gratuitously whenever he wished to indulge in a revel.
- English Word Sorel Definition A young buck in the third year. See the Note under Buck.
- English Word Sorel Definition A yellowish or reddish brown color; sorrel.
- English Word Sorely Definition In a sore manner; grievously; painfully; as, to be sorely afflicted.
- English Word Sorema Definition A heap of carpels belonging to one flower.
- English Word Soreness Definition The quality or state of being sore; tenderness; painfull; as, the soreness of a wound; the soreness of an affliction.
- English Word Sorex Definition A genus of small Insectivora, including the common shrews.
- English Word Sorghum Definition A genus of grasses, properly limited to two species, Sorghum Halepense, the Arabian millet, or Johnson grass (see Johnson grass), and S. vulgare, the Indian millet (see Indian millet, under Indian).
- English Word Sorghum Definition A variety of Sorghum vulgare, grown for its saccharine juice; the Chinese sugar cane.
- English Word Sorgne Definition The three-beared rocking, or whistlefish.
- English Word Sorgo Definition Indian millet and its varieties. See Sorghum.
- English Word Sori Definition pl. of Sorus.
- English Word Sori Definition of Sorus
- English Word Soricine Definition Of or pertaining to the Shrew family (Soricidae); like a shrew in form or habits; as, the soricine bat (Glossophaga soricina).
- English Word Sorites Definition An abridged form of stating of syllogisms in a series of propositions so arranged that the predicate of each one that precedes forms the subject of each one that follows, and the conclusion unites the subject of the first proposition with the predicate of the last proposition
- English Word Soritical Definition Of or pertaining to a sorites; resembling a sorites.
- English Word Sorn Definition To obtrude one's self on another for bed and board.
- English Word Sorner Definition One who obtrudes himself on another for bed and board.
- English Word Sororal Definition Relating to a sister; sisterly.
- English Word Sororicide Definition The murder of one's sister; also, one who murders or kills one's own sister.
- English Word Sororize Definition To associate, or hold fellowship, as sisters; to have sisterly feelings; -- analogous to fraternize.
- English Word Sorosis Definition A woman's club; an association of women.
- English Word Sorosis Definition A fleshy fruit formed by the consolidation of many flowers with their receptacles, ovaries, etc., as the breadfruit, mulberry, and pineapple.
- English Word Sorrage Definition The blades of green or barley.
- English Word Sorrance Definition Same as Sorance.
- English Word Sorrel Definition Of a yellowish or redish brown color; as, a sorrel horse.
- English Word Sorrel Definition A yellowish or redish brown color.
- English Word Sorrel Definition One of various plants having a sour juice; especially, a plant of the genus Rumex, as Rumex Acetosa, Rumex Acetosella, etc.