SPage 385
- English Word Sophist Definition Hence, an impostor in argument; a captious or fallacious reasoner.
- English Word Sophister Definition A sophist. See Sophist.
- English Word Sophister Definition A student who is advanced beyond the first year of his residence.
- English Word Sophister Definition To maintain by sophistry, or by a fallacious argument.
- English Word Sophistic Definition Alt. of Sophistical
- English Word Sophistical Definition Of or pertaining to a sophist; embodying sophistry; fallaciously subtile; not sound.
- English Word Sophisticate Definition To render worthless by admixture; to adulterate; to damage; to pervert; as, to sophisticate wine.
- English Word Sophisticate Definition Alt. of Sophisticated
- English Word Sophisticated Definition of Sophisticate
- English Word Sophisticated Definition Adulterated; not pure; not genuine.
- English Word Sophisticating Definition of Sophisticate
- English Word Sophistication Definition The act of sophisticating; adulteration; as, the sophistication of drugs.
- English Word Sophisticator Definition One who sophisticates.
- English Word Sophistry Definition The art or process of reasoning; logic.
- English Word Sophistry Definition The practice of a sophist; fallacious reasoning; reasoning sound in appearance only.
- English Word Sophomore Definition One belonging to the second of the four classes in an American college, or one next above a freshman.
- English Word Sophomoric Definition Alt. of Sophomorical
- English Word Sophomorical Definition Of or pertaining to a sophomore; resembling a sophomore; hence, pretentious; inflated in style or manner; as, sophomoric affectation.
- English Word Sophora Definition A genus of leguminous plants.
- English Word Sophora Definition A tree (Sophora Japonica) of Eastern Asia, resembling the common locust; occasionally planted in the United States.
- English Word Sophta Definition See Softa.
- English Word Sopite Definition To lay asleep; to put to sleep; to quiet.
- English Word Sopition Definition The act of putting to sleep, or the state of being put to sleep; sleep.
- English Word Sopor Definition Profound sleep from which a person can be roused only with difficulty.
- English Word Soporate Definition To lay or put to sleep; to stupefy.
- English Word Soporiferous Definition Causing sleep; somniferous; soporific.
- English Word Soporific Definition Causing sleep; tending to cause sleep; soporiferous; as, the soporific virtues of opium.
- English Word Soporific Definition A medicine, drug, plant, or other agent that has the quality of inducing sleep; a narcotic.
- English Word Soporose Definition Alt. of Soporous
- English Word Soporous Definition Causing sleep; sleepy.