SPage 381
- English Word Sonance Definition A sound; a tune; as, to sound the tucket sonance.
- English Word Sonance Definition The quality or state of being sonant.
- English Word Sonant Definition Of or pertaining to sound; sounding.
- English Word Sonant Definition Uttered, as an element of speech, with tone or proper vocal sound, as distinguished from mere breath sound; intonated; voiced; tonic; the opposite of nonvocal, or surd; -- sid of the vowels, semivowels, liquids, and nasals, and particularly of the consonants b, d, g hard, v, etc., as compared with their cognates p, t, k, f, etc., which are called nonvocal, surd, or aspirate.
- English Word Sonant Definition A sonant letter.
- English Word Sonata Definition An extended composition for one or two instruments, consisting usually of three or four movements; as, Beethoven's sonatas for the piano, for the violin and piano, etc.
- English Word Sonatina Definition A short and simple sonata.
- English Word Soncy Definition Alt. of Sonsy
- English Word Sond Definition Alt. of Sonde
- English Word Sonde Definition That which is sent; a message or messenger; hence, also, a visitation of providence; an affliction or trial.
- English Word Sondeli Definition The musk shrew. See under Musk.
- English Word Song Definition That which is sung or uttered with musical modulations of the voice, whether of a human being or of a bird, insect, etc.
- English Word Song Definition A lyrical poem adapted to vocal music; a ballad.
- English Word Song Definition More generally, any poetical strain; a poem.
- English Word Song Definition Poetical composition; poetry; verse.
- English Word Song Definition An object of derision; a laughingstock.
- English Word Song Definition A trifle.
- English Word Songcraft Definition The art of making songs or verse; metrical composition; versification.
- English Word Songful Definition Disposed to sing; full of song.
- English Word Songish Definition Consisting of songs.
- English Word Songless Definition Destitute of the power of song; without song; as, songless birds; songless woods.
- English Word Songster Definition One who sings; one skilled in singing; -- not often applied to human beings.
- English Word Songster Definition A singing bird.
- English Word Songstress Definition A woman who sings; a female singing bird.
- English Word Sonifer Definition A kind of ear trumpet for the deaf, or the partially deaf.
- English Word Soniferous Definition Sounding; producing sound; conveying sound.
- English Word Sonification Definition The act of producing sound, as the stridulation of insects.
- English Word Sonless Definition Being without a son.
- English Word Sonnet Definition A short poem, -- usually amatory.
- English Word Sonnet Definition A poem of fourteen lines, -- two stanzas, called the octave, being of four verses each, and two stanzas, called the sestet, of three verses each, the rhymes being adjusted by a particular rule.