SPage 379
- English Word Sometime Definition At a past time indefinitely referred to; once; formerly.
- English Word Sometime Definition At a time undefined; once in a while; now and then; sometimes.
- English Word Sometime Definition At one time or other hereafter; as, I will do it sometime.
- English Word Sometime Definition Having been formerly; former; late; whilom.
- English Word Sometimes Definition Formerly; sometime.
- English Word Sometimes Definition At times; at intervals; now and then;occasionally.
- English Word Sometimes Definition Former; sometime.
- English Word Somewhat Definition More or less; a certain quantity or degree; a part, more or less; something.
- English Word Somewhat Definition A person or thing of importance; a somebody.
- English Word Somewhat Definition In some degree or measure; a little.
- English Word Somewhen Definition At some indefinite time.
- English Word Somewhere Definition In some place unknown or not specified; in one place or another.
- English Word Somewhile Definition Once; for a time.
- English Word Somewhither Definition To some indeterminate place; to some place or other.
- English Word Somite Definition One of the actual or ideal serial segments of which an animal, esp. an articulate or vertebrate, is is composed; somatome; metamere.
- English Word Sommeil Definition Slumber; sleep.
- English Word Sommerset Definition See Somersault.
- English Word Sommonour Definition A summoner.
- English Word Somnambular Definition Of or pertaining to somnambulism; somnambulistic.
- English Word Somnambulate Definition To walk when /sleep.
- English Word Somnambulation Definition The act of walking in sleep.
- English Word Somnambulator Definition A somnambulist.
- English Word Somnambule Definition A somnambulist.
- English Word Somnambulic Definition Somnambulistic.
- English Word Somnambulism Definition A condition of the nervous system in which an individual during sleep performs actions approppriate to the waking state; a state of sleep in which some of the senses and voluntary powers are partially awake; noctambulism.
- English Word Somnambulist Definition A person who is subject to somnambulism; one who walks in his sleep; a sleepwalker; a noctambulist.
- English Word Somnambulistic Definition Of or pertaining to a somnambulist or somnambulism; affected by somnambulism; appropriate to the state of a somnambulist.
- English Word Somne Definition To summon.
- English Word Somner Definition A summoner; esp., one who summons to an ecclesiastical court.
- English Word Somnial Definition Of or pertaining to sleep or dreams.