SPage 334
- English Word Smatch Definition To smack.
- English Word Smatter Definition To talk superficially or ignorantly; to babble; to chatter.
- English Word Smatter Definition To have a slight taste, or a slight, superficial knowledge, of anything; to smack.
- English Word Smatter Definition To talk superficially about.
- English Word Smatter Definition To gain a slight taste of; to acquire a slight, superficial knowledge of; to smack.
- English Word Smatter Definition Superficial knowledge; a smattering.
- English Word Smatterer Definition One who has only a slight, superficial knowledge; a sciolist.
- English Word Smattering Definition A slight, superficial knowledge of something; sciolism.
- English Word Smear Definition To overspread with anything unctuous, viscous, or adhesive; to daub; as, to smear anything with oil.
- English Word Smear Definition To soil in any way; to contaminate; to pollute; to stain morally; as, to be smeared with infamy.
- English Word Smear Definition A fat, oily substance; oinment.
- English Word Smear Definition Hence, a spot made by, or as by, an unctuous or adhesive substance; a blot or blotch; a daub; a stain.
- English Word Smear dab Definition The sand fluke (b).
- English Word Smeared Definition of Smear
- English Word Smeared Definition Having the color mark ings ill defined, as if rubbed; as, the smeared dagger moth (Apatela oblinita).
- English Word Smearing Definition of Smear
- English Word Smeary Definition Tending to smear or soil; adhesive; viscous.
- English Word Smeath Definition The smew.
- English Word Smectite Definition A hydrous silicate of alumina, of a greenish color, which, in certain states of humidity, appears transparent and almost gelatinous.
- English Word Smee Definition The pintail duck.
- English Word Smee Definition The widgeon.
- English Word Smee Definition The poachard.
- English Word Smee Definition The smew.
- English Word Smeeth Definition To smoke; to blacken with smoke; to rub with soot.
- English Word Smeeth Definition To smooth.
- English Word Smegma Definition The matter secreted by any of the sebaceous glands.
- English Word Smegma Definition The soapy substance covering the skin of newborn infants.
- English Word Smegma Definition The cheesy, sebaceous matter which collects between the glans penis and the foreskin.
- English Word Smegmatic Definition Being of the nature of soap; soapy; cleansing; detersive.
- English Word Smeir Definition A salt glaze on pottery, made by adding common salt to an earthenware glaze.