SPage 333
- English Word Smart Definition To cause a smart in.
- English Word Smart Definition Quick, pungent, lively pain; a pricking local pain, as the pain from puncture by nettles.
- English Word Smart Definition Severe, pungent pain of mind; pungent grief; as, the smart of affliction.
- English Word Smart Definition A fellow who affects smartness, briskness, and vivacity; a dandy.
- English Word Smart Definition Smart money (see below).
- English Word Smart Definition Causing a smart; pungent; pricking; as, a smart stroke or taste.
- English Word Smart Definition Keen; severe; poignant; as, smart pain.
- English Word Smart Definition Vigorous; sharp; severe.
- English Word Smart Definition Accomplishing, or able to accomplish, results quickly; active; sharp; clever.
- English Word Smart Definition Efficient; vigorous; brilliant.
- English Word Smart Definition Marked by acuteness or shrewdness; quick in suggestion or reply; vivacious; witty; as, a smart reply; a smart saying.
- English Word Smart Definition Pretentious; showy; spruce; as, a smart gown.
- English Word Smart Definition Brisk; fresh; as, a smart breeze.
- English Word Smarted Definition of Smart
- English Word Smarten Definition To make smart or spruce; -- usually with up.
- English Word Smarting Definition of Smart
- English Word Smartle Definition To waste away.
- English Word Smartly Definition In a smart manner.
- English Word Smartness Definition The quality or state of being smart.
- English Word Smartweed Definition An acrid plant of the genus Polygonum (P. Hydropiper), which produces smarting if applied where the skin is tender.
- English Word Smash Definition To break in pieces by violence; to dash to pieces; to crush.
- English Word Smash Definition To break up, or to pieces suddenly, as the result of collision or pressure.
- English Word Smash Definition A breaking or dashing to pieces; utter destruction; wreck.
- English Word Smash Definition Hence, bankruptcy.
- English Word Smashed Definition of Smash
- English Word Smasher Definition One who, or that which, smashes or breaks things to pieces.
- English Word Smasher Definition Anything very large or extraordinary.
- English Word Smasher Definition One who passes counterfeit coin.
- English Word Smashing Definition of Smash
- English Word Smatch Definition Taste; tincture; smack.