SPage 328
- English Word Slug Definition To make sluggish.
- English Word Slug Definition To load with a slug or slugs; as, to slug a gun.
- English Word Slug Definition To strike heavily.
- English Word Slug Definition To become reduced in diameter, or changed in shape, by passing from a larger to a smaller part of the bore of the barrel; -- said of a bullet when fired from a gun, pistol, or other firearm.
- English Word Slug-horn Definition An erroneous form of the Scotch word slughorne, or sloggorne, meaning slogan.
- English Word Slugabed Definition One who indulges in lying abed; a sluggard.
- English Word Sluggard Definition A person habitually lazy, idle, and inactive; a drone.
- English Word Sluggard Definition Sluggish; lazy.
- English Word Sluggardize Definition To make lazy.
- English Word Sluggardy Definition The state of being a sluggard; sluggishness; sloth.
- English Word Slugged Definition of Slug
- English Word Slugger Definition One who strikes heavy blows; hence, a boxer; a prize fighter.
- English Word Slugging Definition of Slug
- English Word Sluggish Definition Habitually idle and lazy; slothful; dull; inactive; as, a sluggish man.
- English Word Sluggish Definition Slow; having little motion; as, a sluggish stream.
- English Word Sluggish Definition Having no power to move one's self or itself; inert.
- English Word Sluggish Definition Characteristic of a sluggard; dull; stupid; tame; simple.
- English Word Sluggy Definition Sluggish.
- English Word Slugs Definition Half-roasted ore.
- English Word Slugworm Definition Any caterpillar which has the general appearance of a slug, as do those of certain moths belonging to Limacodes and allied genera, and those of certain sawflies.
- English Word Sluice Definition An artifical passage for water, fitted with a valve or gate, as in a mill stream, for stopping or regulating the flow; also, a water gate or flood gate.
- English Word Sluice Definition Hence, an opening or channel through which anything flows; a source of supply.
- English Word Sluice Definition The stream flowing through a flood gate.
- English Word Sluice Definition A long box or trough through which water flows, -- used for washing auriferous earth.
- English Word Sluice Definition To emit by, or as by, flood gates.
- English Word Sluice Definition To wet copiously, as by opening a sluice; as, to sluice meadows.
- English Word Sluice Definition To wash with, or in, a stream of water running through a sluice; as, to sluice eart or gold dust in mining.
- English Word Sluiced Definition of Sluice
- English Word Sluiceway Definition An artificial channel into which water is let by a sluice; specifically, a trough constructed over the bed of a stream, so that logs, lumber, or rubbish can be floated down to some convenient place of delivery.
- English Word Sluicing Definition of Sluice