SPage 325
- English Word Sloth Definition Slowness; tardiness.
- English Word Sloth Definition Disinclination to action or labor; sluggishness; laziness; idleness.
- English Word Sloth Definition Any one of several species of arboreal edentates constituting the family Bradypodidae, and the suborder Tardigrada. They have long exserted limbs and long prehensile claws. Both jaws are furnished with teeth (see Illust. of Edentata), and the ears and tail are rudimentary. They inhabit South and Central America and Mexico.
- English Word Sloth Definition To be idle.
- English Word Slothful Definition Addicted to sloth; inactive; sluggish; lazy; indolent; idle.
- English Word Slothhound Definition See Sleuthhound.
- English Word Slotted Definition Having a slot.
- English Word Slotting Definition The act or process of making slots, or mortises.
- English Word Slouch Definition A hanging down of the head; a drooping attitude; a limp appearance; an ungainly, clownish gait; a sidewise depression or hanging down, as of a hat brim.
- English Word Slouch Definition An awkward, heavy, clownish fellow.
- English Word Slouch Definition To droop, as the head.
- English Word Slouch Definition To walk in a clumsy, lazy manner.
- English Word Slouch Definition To cause to hang down; to depress at the side; as, to slouth the hat.
- English Word Slouched Definition of Slouch
- English Word Slouching Definition of Slouch
- English Word Slouching Definition Hanging down at the side; limp; drooping; without firmness or shapeliness; moving in an ungainly manner.
- English Word Slouchy Definition Slouching.
- English Word Slough Definition Slow.
- English Word Slough Definition A place of deep mud or mire; a hole full of mire.
- English Word Slough Definition A wet place; a swale; a side channel or inlet from a river.
- English Word Slough Definition imp. of Slee, to slay. Slew.
- English Word Slough Definition The skin, commonly the cast-off skin, of a serpent or of some similar animal.
- English Word Slough Definition The dead mass separating from a foul sore; the dead part which separates from the living tissue in mortification.
- English Word Slough Definition To form a slough; to separate in the form of dead matter from the living tissues; -- often used with off, or away; as, a sloughing ulcer; the dead tissues slough off slowly.
- English Word Slough Definition To cast off; to discard as refuse.
- English Word Sloughed Definition of Slough
- English Word Sloughing Definition of Slough
- English Word Sloughing Definition The act of casting off the skin or shell, as do insects and crustaceans; ecdysis.
- English Word Sloughy Definition Full of sloughs, miry.
- English Word Sloughy Definition Resembling, or of the nature of, a slough, or the dead matter which separates from living flesh.