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  • English Word Sketchbook Definition A book of sketches or for sketches.
  • English Word Sketched Definition of Sketch
  • English Word Sketcher Definition One who sketches.
  • English Word Sketchily Definition In a sketchy or incomplete manner.
  • English Word Sketchiness Definition The quality or state of being sketchy; lack of finish; incompleteness.
  • English Word Sketching Definition of Sketch
  • English Word Sketchy Definition Containing only an outline or rough form; being in the manner of a sketch; incomplete.
  • English Word Skew Definition Awry; obliquely; askew.
  • English Word Skew Definition Turned or twisted to one side; situated obliquely; skewed; -- chiefly used in technical phrases.
  • English Word Skew Definition A stone at the foot of the slope of a gable, the offset of a buttress, or the like, cut with a sloping surface and with a check to receive the coping stones and retain them in place.
  • English Word Skew Definition To walk obliquely; to go sidling; to lie or move obliquely.
  • English Word Skew Definition To start aside; to shy, as a horse.
  • English Word Skew Definition To look obliquely; to squint; hence, to look slightingly or suspiciously.
  • English Word Skew Definition To shape or form in an oblique way; to cause to take an oblique position.
  • English Word Skew Definition To throw or hurl obliquely.
  • English Word Skewbald Definition Marked with spots and patches of white and some color other than black; -- usually distinguished from piebald, in which the colors are properly white and black. Said of horses.
  • English Word Skewed Definition of Skew
  • English Word Skewer Definition A pin of wood or metal for fastening meat to a spit, or for keeping it in form while roasting.
  • English Word Skewer Definition To fasten with skewers.
  • English Word Skewered Definition of Skewer
  • English Word Skewering Definition of Skewer
  • English Word Skewing Definition of Skew
  • English Word Skid Definition A shoe or clog, as of iron, attached to a chain, and placed under the wheel of a wagon to prevent its turning when descending a steep hill; a drag; a skidpan; also, by extension, a hook attached to a chain, and used for the same purpose.
  • English Word Skid Definition A piece of timber used as a support, or to receive pressure.
  • English Word Skid Definition Large fenders hung over a vessel's side to protect it in handling a cargo.
  • English Word Skid Definition One of a pair of timbers or bars, usually arranged so as to form an inclined plane, as form a wagon to a door, along which anything is moved by sliding or rolling.
  • English Word Skid Definition One of a pair of horizontal rails or timbers for supporting anything, as a boat, a barrel, etc.
  • English Word Skid Definition To protect or support with a skid or skids; also, to cause to move on skids.
  • English Word Skid Definition To check with a skid, as wagon wheels.
  • English Word Skiddaw Definition The black guillemot.