SPage 291
- English Word Sizzled Definition of Sizzle
- English Word Sizzling Definition of Sizzle
- English Word Sizzling Definition a. & n. from Sizzle.
- English Word Skaddle Definition Hurt; damage.
- English Word Skaddle Definition Hurtful.
- English Word Skaddon Definition The larva of a bee.
- English Word Skag Definition An additional piece fastened to the keel of a boat to prevent lateral motion. See Skeg.
- English Word Skain Definition See Skein.
- English Word Skain Definition See Skean.
- English Word Skainsmate Definition A messmate; a companion.
- English Word Skaith Definition See Scatch.
- English Word Skald Definition See 5th Scald.
- English Word Skaldic Definition See Scaldic.
- English Word Skaling Definition of Seal
- English Word Skall Definition To scale; to mount.
- English Word Skar Definition Alt. of Skare
- English Word Skare Definition Wild; timid; shy.
- English Word Skart Definition The shag.
- English Word Skate Definition A metallic runner with a frame shaped to fit the sole of a shoe, -- made to be fastened under the foot, and used for moving rapidly on ice.
- English Word Skate Definition To move on skates.
- English Word Skate Definition Any one of numerous species of large, flat elasmobranch fishes of the genus Raia, having a long, slender tail, terminated by a small caudal fin. The pectoral fins, which are large and broad and united to the sides of the body and head, give a somewhat rhombic form to these fishes. The skin is more or less spinose.
- English Word Skated Definition of Skate
- English Word Skater Definition One who skates.
- English Word Skater Definition Any one of numerous species of hemipterous insects belonging to Gerris, Pyrrhocoris, Prostemma, and allied genera. They have long legs, and run rapidly over the surface of the water, as if skating.
- English Word Skating Definition of Skate
- English Word Skatol Definition A constituent of human faeces formed in the small intestines as a product of the putrefaction of albuminous matter. It is also found in reduced indigo. Chemically it is methyl indol, C9H9N.
- English Word Skayles Definition [Ã159.] Skittles.
- English Word Skean Definition A knife or short dagger, esp. that in use among the Highlanders of Scotland. [Variously spelt.]
- English Word Skedaddle Definition To betake one's self to flight, as if in a panic; to flee; to run away.
- English Word Skedaddled Definition of Skedaddle