SPage 230
- English Word Shiver Definition A spindle.
- English Word Shiver Definition To break into many small pieces, or splinters; to shatter; to dash to pieces by a blow; as, to shiver a glass goblet.
- English Word Shiver Definition To separate suddenly into many small pieces or parts; to be shattered.
- English Word Shiver Definition To tremble; to vibrate; to quiver; to shake, as from cold or fear.
- English Word Shiver Definition To cause to shake or tremble, as a sail, by steering close to the wind.
- English Word Shiver Definition The act of shivering or trembling.
- English Word Shiver-spar Definition A variety of calcite, so called from its slaty structure; -- called also slate spar.
- English Word Shivered Definition of Shiver
- English Word Shivering Definition of Shiver
- English Word Shiveringly Definition In a shivering manner.
- English Word Shivery Definition Tremulous; shivering.
- English Word Shivery Definition Easily broken; brittle; shattery.
- English Word Shoad Definition A train of vein material mixed with rubbish; fragments of ore which have become separated by the action of water or the weather, and serve to direct in the discovery of mines.
- English Word Shoading Definition The tracing of veins of metal by shoads.
- English Word Shoal Definition A great multitude assembled; a crowd; a throng; -- said especially of fish; as, a shoal of bass.
- English Word Shoal Definition To assemble in a multitude; to throng; as, the fishes shoaled about the place.
- English Word Shoal Definition Having little depth; shallow; as, shoal water.
- English Word Shoal Definition A place where the water of a sea, lake, river, pond, etc., is shallow; a shallow.
- English Word Shoal Definition A sandbank or bar which makes the water shoal.
- English Word Shoal Definition To become shallow; as, the color of the water shows where it shoals.
- English Word Shoal Definition To cause to become more shallow; to come to a more shallow part of; as, a ship shoals her water by advancing into that which is less deep.
- English Word Shoaled Definition of Shoal
- English Word Shoaliness Definition The quality or state of being shoaly; little depth of water; shallowness.
- English Word Shoaling Definition of Shoal
- English Word Shoaling Definition Becoming shallow gradually.
- English Word Shoaly Definition Full of shoals, or shallow places.
- English Word Shoar Definition A prop. See 3d Shore.
- English Word Shoat Definition A young hog. Same as Shote.
- English Word Shock Definition A pile or assemblage of sheaves of grain, as wheat, rye, or the like, set up in a field, the sheaves varying in number from twelve to sixteen; a stook.
- English Word Shock Definition A lot consisting of sixty pieces; -- a term applied in some Baltic ports to loose goods.