SPage 229
- English Word Shirl Definition Shrill.
- English Word Shirl Definition See Schorl.
- English Word Shirley Definition The bullfinch.
- English Word Shirr Definition A series of close parallel runnings which are drawn up so as to make the material between them set full by gatherings; -- called also shirring, and gauging.
- English Word Shirred Definition Made or gathered into a shirr; as, a shirred bonnet.
- English Word Shirred Definition Broken into an earthen dish and baked over the fire; -- said of eggs.
- English Word Shirt Definition A loose under-garment for the upper part of the body, made of cotton, linen, or other material; -- formerly used of the under-garment of either sex, now commonly restricted to that worn by men and boys.
- English Word Shirt Definition To cover or clothe with a shirt, or as with a shirt.
- English Word Shirted Definition of Shirt
- English Word Shirting Definition of Shirt
- English Word Shirting Definition Cloth, specifically cotton cloth, suitable for making shirts.
- English Word Shirtless Definition Not having or wearing a shirt.
- English Word Shist Definition Alt. of Shistose
- English Word Shistose Definition See Shist, Schistose.
- English Word Shittah Definition Alt. of Shittah tree
- English Word Shittah tree Definition A tree that furnished the precious wood of which the ark, tables, altars, boards, etc., of the Jewish tabernacle were made; -- now believed to have been the wood of the Acacia Seyal, which is hard, fine grained, and yellowish brown in color.
- English Word Shittim Definition Alt. of Shittim wood
- English Word Shittim wood Definition The wood of the shittah tree.
- English Word Shittle Definition A shuttle.
- English Word Shittle Definition Wavering; unsettled; inconstant.
- English Word Shittlecock Definition A shuttlecock.
- English Word Shittleness Definition Instability; inconstancy.
- English Word Shive Definition A slice; as, a shive of bread.
- English Word Shive Definition A thin piece or fragment; specifically, one of the scales or pieces of the woody part of flax removed by the operation of breaking.
- English Word Shive Definition A thin, flat cork used for stopping a wide-mouthed bottle; also, a thin wooden bung for casks.
- English Word Shiver Definition One of the small pieces, or splinters, into which a brittle thing is broken by sudden violence; -- generally used in the plural.
- English Word Shiver Definition A thin slice; a shive.
- English Word Shiver Definition A variety of blue slate.
- English Word Shiver Definition A sheave or small wheel in a pulley.
- English Word Shiver Definition A small wedge, as for fastening the bolt of a window shutter.