SPage 175
- English Word Serenata Definition Alt. of Serenate
- English Word Serenate Definition A piece of vocal music, especially one on an amoreus subject; a serenade.
- English Word Serene Definition Bright; clear; unabscured; as, a serene sky.
- English Word Serene Definition Calm; placid; undisturbed; unruffled; as, a serene aspect; a serene soul.
- English Word Serene Definition Serenity; clearness; calmness.
- English Word Serene Definition Evening air; night chill.
- English Word Serene Definition To make serene.
- English Word Serenely Definition In a serene manner; clearly.
- English Word Serenely Definition With unruffled temper; coolly; calmly.
- English Word Sereneness Definition Serenity.
- English Word Serenitude Definition Serenity.
- English Word Serenity Definition The quality or state of being serene; clearness and calmness; quietness; stillness; peace.
- English Word Serenity Definition Calmness of mind; eveness of temper; undisturbed state; coolness; composure.
- English Word Serf Definition A servant or slave employed in husbandry, and in some countries attached to the soil and transferred with it, as formerly in Russia.
- English Word Serfage Definition Alt. of Serfdom
- English Word Serfdom Definition The state or condition of a serf.
- English Word Serfhood Definition Alt. of Serfism
- English Word Serfism Definition Serfage.
- English Word Serge Definition A woolen twilled stuff, much used as material for clothing for both sexes.
- English Word Serge Definition A large wax candle used in the ceremonies of various churches.
- English Word Sergeancies Definition of Sergeancy
- English Word Sergeancy Definition The office of a sergeant; sergeantship.
- English Word Sergeant Definition Formerly, in England, an officer nearly answering to the more modern bailiff of the hundred; also, an officer whose duty was to attend on the king, and on the lord high steward in court, to arrest traitors and other offenders. He is now called sergeant-at-arms, and two of these officers, by allowance of the sovereign, attend on the houses of Parliament (one for each house) to execute their commands, and another attends the Court Chancery.
- English Word Sergeant Definition In a company, battery, or troop, a noncommissioned officer next in rank above a corporal, whose duty is to instruct recruits in discipline, to form the ranks, etc.
- English Word Sergeant Definition A lawyer of the highest rank, answering to the doctor of the civil law; -- called also serjeant at law.
- English Word Sergeant Definition A title sometimes given to the servants of the sovereign; as, sergeant surgeon, that is, a servant, or attendant, surgeon.
- English Word Sergeant Definition The cobia.
- English Word Sergeantcy Definition Same as Sergeancy.
- English Word Sergeantry Definition See Sergeanty.
- English Word Sergeantship Definition The office of sergeant.