SPage 172
- English Word Sepulchering Definition of Sepulchre
- English Word Sepulchral Definition Of or pertaining to burial, to the grave, or to monuments erected to the memory of the dead; as, a sepulchral stone; a sepulchral inscription.
- English Word Sepulchral Definition Unnaturally low and grave; hollow in tone; -- said of sound, especially of the voice.
- English Word Sepulchre Definition The place in which the dead body of a human being is interred, or a place set apart for that purpose; a grave; a tomb.
- English Word Sepulchre Definition To bury; to inter; to entomb; as, obscurely sepulchered.
- English Word Sepulchred Definition of Sepulchre
- English Word Sepulchring Definition of Sepulchre
- English Word Sepulture Definition The act of depositing the dead body of a human being in the grave; burial; interment.
- English Word Sepulture Definition A sepulcher; a grave; a place of burial.
- English Word Sequacious Definition Inclined to follow a leader; following; attendant.
- English Word Sequacious Definition Hence, ductile; malleable; pliant; manageable.
- English Word Sequacious Definition Having or observing logical sequence; logically consistent and rigorous; consecutive in development or transition of thought.
- English Word Sequaciousness Definition Quality of being sequacious.
- English Word Sequacity Definition Quality or state of being sequacious; sequaciousness.
- English Word Sequel Definition That which follows; a succeeding part; continuation; as, the sequel of a man's advantures or history.
- English Word Sequel Definition Consequence; event; effect; result; as, let the sun cease, fail, or swerve, and the sequel would be ruin.
- English Word Sequel Definition Conclusion; inference.
- English Word Sequela Definition One who, or that which, follows.
- English Word Sequela Definition An adherent, or a band or sect of adherents.
- English Word Sequela Definition That which follows as the logical result of reasoning; inference; conclusion; suggestion.
- English Word Sequela Definition A morbid phenomenon left as the result of a disease; a disease resulting from another.
- English Word Sequelae Definition of Sequela
- English Word Sequence Definition The state of being sequent; succession; order of following; arrangement.
- English Word Sequence Definition That which follows or succeeds as an effect; sequel; consequence; result.
- English Word Sequence Definition Simple succession, or the coming after in time, without asserting or implying causative energy; as, the reactions of chemical agents may be conceived as merely invariable sequences.
- English Word Sequence Definition Any succession of chords (or harmonic phrase) rising or falling by the regular diatonic degrees in the same scale; a succession of similar harmonic steps.
- English Word Sequence Definition A melodic phrase or passage successively repeated one tone higher; a rosalia.
- English Word Sequence Definition A hymn introduced in the Mass on certain festival days, and recited or sung immediately before the gospel, and after the gradual or introit, whence the name.
- English Word Sequence Definition Three or more cards of the same suit in immediately consecutive order of value; as, ace, king, and queen; or knave, ten, nine, and eight.
- English Word Sequence Definition All five cards, of a hand, in consecutive order as to value, but not necessarily of the same suit; when of one suit, it is called a sequence flush.