SPage 145
- English Word Self-denial Definition The denial of one's self; forbearing to gratify one's own desires; self-sacrifice.
- English Word Self-denying Definition Refusing to gratify one's self; self-sacrificing.
- English Word Self-dependent Definition Dependent on one's self; self-depending; self-reliant.
- English Word Self-depending Definition Depending on one's self.
- English Word Self-depraved Definition Corrupted or depraved by one's self.
- English Word Self-destroyer Definition One who destroys himself; a suicide.
- English Word Self-destruction Definition The destruction of one's self; self-murder; suicide.
- English Word Self-destructive Definition Destroying, or tending to destroy, one's self or itself; rucidal.
- English Word Self-determination Definition Determination by one's self; or, determination of one's acts or states without the necessitating force of motives; -- applied to the voluntary or activity.
- English Word Self-determining Definition Capable of self-determination; as, the self-determining power of will.
- English Word Self-devised Definition Devised by one's self.
- English Word Self-devoted Definition Devoted in person, or by one's own will.
- English Word Self-devotement Definition Self-devotion.
- English Word Self-devotion Definition The act of devoting one's self, or the state of being self-devoted; willingness to sacrifice one's own advantage or happiness for the sake of others; self-sacrifice.
- English Word Self-devouring Definition Devouring one's self or itself.
- English Word Self-diffusive Definition Having power to diffuse itself; diffusing itself.
- English Word Self-discipline Definition Correction or government of one's self for the sake of improvement.
- English Word Self-distrust Definition Want of confidence in one' self; diffidence.
- English Word Self-educated Definition Educated by one's own efforts, without instruction, or without pecuniary assistance from others.
- English Word Self-elective Definition Having the right of electing one's self, or, as a body, of electing its own members.
- English Word Self-enjoyment Definition Enjoyment of one's self; self-satisfaction.
- English Word Self-esteem Definition The holding a good opinion of one's self; self-complacency.
- English Word Self-estimation Definition The act of estimating one's self; self-esteem.
- English Word Self-evidence Definition The quality or state of being self-evident.
- English Word Self-evident Definition Evident without proof or reasoning; producing certainty or conviction upon a bare presentation to the mind; as, a self-evident proposition or truth.
- English Word Self-evolution Definition Evolution of one's self; development by inherent quality or power.
- English Word Self-exaltation Definition The act of exalting one's self, or the state of being so exalted.
- English Word Self-examinant Definition One who examines himself; one given to self-examination.
- English Word Self-examination Definition An examination into one's own state, conduct, and motives, particularly in regard to religious feelings and duties.
- English Word Self-existence Definition Inherent existence; existence possessed by virtue of a being's own nature, and independent of any other being or cause; -- an attribute peculiar to God.